The Fylde Local Plan to 2032 was Adopted by the Council on 22 October 2018, to view the adopted plan and associated documents click here.
The Council submitted their Plan to the Planning Inspectorate on 9 December 2016.
This page should be viewed alongside the Submission web page from which the original submission library may be accessed. The submission library also contains a full set of representations submitted at the Local Plan Publication stage.
The Inspector
Mrs Yvonne Wright BSc(Hons) Dip TP MSc DMS MRTPI was appointed to undertake an independent examination into the soundness of the Plan.
The Programme Officer
Tony Blackburn fulfilled the role of Programme Officer and now that the Council have received the Inspector’s report his duties have concluded. Any further enquiries regarding the Local Plan should be sent directly to the Council by telephoning 01253 658418 or by email to
The Hearings
A first series of hearings took place on 28-29 March 2017. Stage 2 of the hearings concluded on 28 June 2017. Stage 3 hearings took place on 12-13 December 2017.
Further Examination Library Items
(Items added prior to the start of hearings)
Document name | Author | Date |
EL1.001a - Preliminary Questions to Council | Inspector | 13.01.17 |
EL1.001b - Preliminary Questions Response | Council | 02.02.17 |
EL1.0022 - Fylde Coast GTAA update December 2016 | Council | 25.01.17 |
EL1.003a - Email from Programme Officer to representors | Programme Officer | 09.02.17 |
EL1.003b - Fylde Stage 1 MIQs | Inspector | 06.02.17 |
EL1.003c - Fylde Examination Guidance Note | Inspector | 06.02.17 |
EL1.003d - Fylde stage 1 draft hearings timetable - v1 | Inspector | 06.02.17 |
EL1.003e - Fylde Representor List | Programme Officer | 06.02.17 |
EL1.004EL1.004 - Email 140217 from Programme Officer to representors and Council re Housing White Paper | Programme Officer | 14.02.17 |
EL1.005 - FBC Response to Housing White Paper | Council | 24.02.17 |
EL1.006a - Email from Programme Officer to representors 170317 | Programme Officer | 17.03.17 |
EL1.006b - Fylde stage 1 draft hearings timetable - v2 170317 | Inspector | 17.03.17 |
L1.007a - Letter 200317a to Council from Inspector re Main Modifications (002) | Inspector | 20.03.17 |
EL1.007b - Letter 200317 to Inspector from Council re Main Modifications | Council | 20.03.17 |
EL1.008 - Interim 5 Year Supply 28 February 2017 - Final | Council | 22.03.17 |
EL1.009 - Business and Industrial Land Schedule 2016 - Final | Council | 22.03.17 |
EL1.010a - Email 220317 from Programme Officer to Stage 1 hearing participants | Programme Officer | 22.03.17 |
EL1.010b - Fylde Stage 1 hearings timetable - v3 220317 | Programme Officer | 22.03.17 |
EL1.011 - Fylde Demographic Projections SHMA Update | Council | 27.03.17 |
Stage One – MIQ responses
Document Name | Comment | Subject |
EL2.001a | Matter 1 | Home Builders Federation (023) |
EL2.001b | Matter 2 | Home Builders Federation (023) |
EL2.001c | Matter 3 | Home Builders Federation (023) |
EL2.002 | Matters 3, 4 | Mactaggart Mickel (034) |
EL2.003 | Email 100317 from Indigo Planning to Programme Officer - Britmax (005) | |
EL2.004(i) | Matters 2,3,4 | Fred Moor (014) |
EL2.004(ii) | Letter to MP 130813 - Fred Moor (014) | |
EL2.004(iii) | Letter from MP 070317 - Fred Moor (014) | |
EL2.004(iv) | Letter 2 from MP 080317 - Fred Moor (014) | |
EL2.005 | Email 130317 from Highways England to Programme Officer - Highways England (020) | |
EL2.006a | Matters 2,3 | Wainhomes (067) |
EL2.006b | Matter 4 | Wainhomes (067) |
EL2.007(i) | Matter 1 | Wyre Council (071) |
EL2.007(ii) | Appendix 1 - MOU Final April 2015 - Wyre Council (071) | |
EL2.007(iii) | Appendix 2 - Minutes 2 - Wyre Council (071) | |
EL2.007(iv) | Appendix 3 - Fylde PO Response Signed - Wyre Council (071) | |
EL2.007(v) | Appendix 4 - Wyre LP 040516 Letter - Wyre Council (071) | |
EL2.007(vi) | Appendix 5 - Fylde letter 180516 - Wyre Council (071) | |
EL2.007(vii) | Appendix 6 - Fylde D2C Response Letter 240516 - Wyre Council (071) | |
EL2.007(viii) | Appendix 7 - Joint Member and Officer Duty to Cooperate Advisory Steering Group Meeting Wednesday 220616 - Wyre Council (071) | |
EL2.007(ix) | Appendix 8 - Wyre's representation to the Fylde LP - Wyre Council (071) | |
EL2.007(x) | Appendix 9 - Letter to Wyre re evidence requirements 210117 - Wyre Council (071) | |
EL2.007(xi) | Appendix 10 - WBC response to FBC letter dated 230117 - Wyre Council (071) | |
EL2.008a | Matter 1 | Carrington Group (009) |
EL2.008b | Matter 2 | Carrington Group (009) |
EL2.008c | Matter 3 | Carrington Group (009) |
EL2.008d | Matter 4 | Carrington Group (009) |
EL2.009 | Matters 1,2 | Hollins Strategic Land (022) |
EL2.010 | Matter 4 | Keith Halliwell (028) |
EL2.011a | Matter 1 | Taylor Wimpey (060) |
EL2.011b | Matter 2 | Taylor Wimpey (060) |
EL2.011c(i) | Matter 3 | Taylor Wimpey (060) |
EL2.011c(ii) | Matter 3 | Appendix - Housing Land Supply Assessment for Fylde - Taylor Wimpey (060) |
EL2.011d | Matter 4 | Taylor Wimpey (060) |
EL2.012a(i) | Matter 1 | Oyston Estates (051) |
EL2.012a(ii) | Matter 1 | Appendix CA1 - Oyston Estates (051) |
EL2.012b | Matter 2 | Oyston Estates (051) |
EL2.012c | Matter 3 | Oyston Estates (051) |
EL2.012d | Matter 4 | Oyston Estates (051) |
EL2.013a(i) | Matter 1 | Hallam Land Management (019) |
EL2.013a(ii) | Matter 1 | Appendix 1 - Bryning with Warton Examiner's Report - Hallam Land Management (019) |
EL2.013a(iii) | Matter 1 | Appendix 2 - Bryning with Warton NDP - Hallam Land Management (019) |
EL2.013b(i) | Matter 2 | Hallam Land Management (019) |
EL2.013b(ii) | Matter 2 | Appendix 1 - Oadby Wigston BC v SSCLG 2015 1879 (Admin) - Hallam Land Management (019) |
EL2.013b (iii) | Matter 2 | Appendix 2 - FBC Local Plan Steering Group Report on Housing Requirement 160417 - Hallam Lane Management (019) |
EL2.013c(i) | Matter 3 | Hallam Land Management (019) |
EL2.013c(ii) | Matter 3 | Appendix 1 - Appeal Clifton House Farm - Hallam Land Management (019) |
EL2.013c(iii) | Matter 3 | Appendix 2 - Appeal Lytham Road - Hallam Land Management (019) |
EL2.013d | Matter 4 | Hallam Land Management (019) |
EL2.014a | Matter 1 | Gladman Developments (016) |
EL2.014b | Matter 2 | Gladman Developments (016) |
EL2.014c | Matter 3 | Gladman Developments (016) |
EL2.014d | Matter 4 | Gladman Developments (016) |
EL2.015a | Matter 1 | Metacre (036) |
EL2.015b | Matter 2 | Metacre (036) |
EL2.015c | Matter 3 | Metacre (036) |
EL2.015d | Matter 4 | Metacre (036) |
EL2.016a | Matter 1 | Greenhurst Investments (018) |
EL2.016b | Matter 2 | Greenhurst Investments (018) |
EL2.016c | Matter 3 | Greenhurst Investments (018) |
EL2.016d | Matter 4 | Greenhurst Investments (018) |
EL2.017(i) | Matters 1,2,3 | Anthony Guest (001) |
EL2.017(ii) | Matters 1,2,3 | Joint Statement - Anthony Guest (001) |
EL2.017(iii) | Matters 1,2,3 | Briefing Note - Anthony Guest (001) |
EL2.017(iv) | Matters 1,2,3 | Employment number - Anthony Guest (001) |
EL2.018a(i) | Matter 1 | The Strategic Land Group (059) |
EL2.018a(ii) | Matter 1 | Appendix 1 |
EL2.018a(iii) | Matter 1 | Appendix 2 |
EL2.018b | Matter 2 | The Strategic Land Group (059) |
EL2.018c | Matter 3 | The Strategic Land Group (059) |
EL2.018d | Matter 4 | The Strategic Land Group (059) |
EL2.019 | Matters 1,2,3 | Persimmon Homes (052) |
EL2.020a(i) | Matter 1 | Treales Roseacre and Wharles Parish Council (065) |
EL2.020a(ii) | Matter 1 | Treales Roseacre and Wharles Parish Council (065) |
EL2.020b(i) | Matter 4 | Treales Roseacre and Wharles Parish Council (065) |
EL2.020b(ii) | Matter 4 | Treales Roseacre and Wharles Parish Council(065) |
EL2.021 | Matters 2,3 | CPRE (011) |
EL2.022a | Matter 1 | Story Homes (058) |
EL2.022b | Matter 2 | Story Homes (058) |
EL2.022c | Matter 3 | Story Homes (058) |
EL2.022d | Matter 4 | Story Homes (058) |
EL2.023 | Supplementary MIQ response from Treales Roseacre and Wharles Parish Council (065) | |
EL2.024a | Matter 1 | The Rigby Organisation (062) |
EL2.024b | Matter 2 | The Rigby Organisation (062) |
EL2.024c | Matter 3 | The Rigby Organisation (062) |
EL2.024d | Matter 4 | The Rigby Organisation (062) |
EL2.025a(i) | Matter 1 | Fylde Borough Council |
EL2.025a(ii) | Matter 1 | Appendix 1 - Wyre Council response to RPO Local Plan consultation 301115 - Fylde Borough Council |
EL2.025a(iii) | Matter 1 | Appendix 2 - Letter to Wyre re evidence requirements 230117 - Fylde Borough Council |
EL2.025b(i) | Matter 2 | Fylde Borough Council |
EL2.025b(ii) | Matter 2 | Appendix 1 - Fylde Coast SHMA Briefing Paper - Sense Check re the Economic Modelling for Fylde - Fylde Borough Council |
EL2.025c | Matter 3 | Fylde Borough Council |
EL2.025d(i) | Matter 4 | Fylde Borough Council |
EL2.025d(ii) | Matter 4 | Appendix 1 - Housing at the strategic locations - Fylde Borough Council |
Previously Published Local Plan and Evidence Documents submitted in support of the Council’s Stage 1 MIQ response
Document Name | |
EL3.001 | Issues and Options Plan |
EL3.002 | Preferred Options Plan |
EL3.003 | Revised Preferred Options Plan |
EL3.004 | Health Impact Assessment |
EL3.005 | SA Scoping Report November 2010 |
EL3.006 | SA Scoping Report November 2010 Appendix A |
EL3.007 | SA Scoping Report November 2010 Appendix B |
EL3.008 | SA Interim Report Plan Options 2012 |
EL3.009 | SA Interim Report Plan Options 2012 Appendix D |
EL3.010 | SA of Preferred Option Fylde Local Plan 2013 |
EL3.011 | HRA of Preferred Option Fylde Local Plan 2013 |
EL3.012 | SA Scoping Report July 2015 |
EL3.013 | SA of RPO Fylde Local Plan 2015 |
EL3.014 | HRA of RPO Local Plan 2015 |
Appeal Decisions and/or related papers
Document Name | |
EL4.001 | Appeal Decision - Land off Dowbride, Kirkham |
EL4.002 | Appeal Decision - Land at Clifton House Farm, Warton |
EL4.003 | Appeal Decision - Land off Lytham Road & Land at Clifton House Farm, Warton |
EL4.004 | Appeal Decision - Land off Lytham Road, Warton |
EL4.005 | Appeal Decision - Coppice Farm, West Moss Lane, Westby |
EL4.006 | Appeal Decision - Woodlands Close, Newton with Scales |
EL4.007 | Appeal Decision - 29 Mains Lane, Singleton |
EL4.008 | Appeal Decision - Kilnhouse Lane, Queensway, Lytham St. Annes |
EL4.009 | Appeal Decision - 195 Mains Lane, Singleton |
EL4.010 | Appeal Decision - Grange Road, Elswick |
EL4.011 | Appeal Decision - Beech Road, Elswick |
EL4.012 | Appeal Decision - Land North of Mill Lane, Elswick |
Items added following the start of Examination hearings
Download | Document | Date | |
EL5.001 | Fylde Council's Opening Statement | Council | 28.03.2017 |
EL5.002 | Duty to Cooperate Minutes of meeting 03.07.15 | Council | 28.03.2017 |
EL5.003a | Letter from Inspector to Council 11.04.17 | Inspector | 11.04.2017 |
EL5.003b | Letter to Inspector 3rd May | Council | 03.05.2017 |
EL5.003c | Consolidated schedule of proposed modifications 03 05 2017 | Council | 03.05.2017 |
EL5.003d | Email 060517 from Programme Officer to Council | Programme Officer | 06.05.2017 |
EL5.003e | Letter to Inspector 10th May 2017 | Council | 10.05.2017 |
EL5.003f | The OAHN and the Fylde Local Plan to 2032 May 2017 | Council | 10.05.2017 |
EL5.003g | Housing Land Supply Trajectory - May 2017 | Council | 10.05.2017 |
EL5.004 | Email 010517 from Programme Officer to representors re Stage 2 hearing dates | Programme Officer | 01.05.2017 |
EL5.005a | Email 150517 from Programme Officer to Representors re Stage 2 | Programme Officer | 15.05.2017 |
EL5.005b | Fylde Stage 2 MIQs v1 150517 | Inspector | 15.05.2017 |
EL5.005c | Fylde Examination Guidance Note Stage 2 update 150517 | Inspector | 15.05.2017 |
EL5.005d | Fylde Stage 2 draft hearings timetable - v1 150517 | Inspector | 15.05.2017 |
EL5.005e | Fylde Representor List | Programme Officer | 15.05.2017 |
EL5.006 | Fylde Stage 2 additional note 170517 | Inspector | 17.05.2017 |
EL5.007 | 5 Year Supply 31 March 2017 - Final | Council | 14.06.2017 |
EL5.008 | M55 J4 | Council | 14.06.2017 |
EL5.009 | Additional Note on Historic Employment Land Take-up | Council | 14.06.2017 |
EL5.010a | Additional Note on Neighbourhood Plans | Council | 15.06.2017 |
EL5.010b | Saint Anne's on The Sea Neighbourhood Plan | Council | 15.06.2017 |
EL5.010c | Bryning with Warton Neighbourhood Plan | Council | 15.06.2017 |
EL5.011a | Email 150617 from Programme Officer to Stage 2 hearing sessions | Programme Officer | 15.06.2017 |
EL5.011b | Fylde Stage 2 hearings timetable | Inspector | 15.06.2017 |
EL5.012 | Council Updated Statement at Stage 2 Hearings | Council | 20.06.2017 |
EL5.013 | Email from Programme Officer re revised start time 28 June | Programme Officer | 21.06.2017 |
EL5.014 | Letter to Council July 2017 | Programme Officer | 03.07.2017 |
EL5.015 | Housing Land Availability Schedule Update March 2017 | Council | 01.08.2017 |
EL5.016a | Inspectors Questions re: SoS Consultation Proposals | Inspector | 17.10.2017 |
EL5.016b | Letter to Inspector 30th October 2017 Implications of revised methodology | Council | 30.10.2017 |
Stage Two – MIQ responses
Document Name | Comment | Subject |
EL6.001(i) | Matter 6 | Michael James (042) |
EL6.001(ii) | Appendices 1 - 4 - Michael James (042) | |
EL6.002 | Email 060617 from Canal Rivers Trust re Stage 2 MIQs (006) | |
EL6.003 | Matters 5,9 | Carrington Group Ltd (009) |
EL6.004 | Matters 5,6,8 | Persimmon Homes (052) |
EL6.005a | Matter 5 | Home Builders Federation (023) |
EL6.005b | Matter 6 | Home Builders Federation (023) |
EL6.006 | Matters 5,6 | CAPOW (007) |
EL6.007 | Matter 5 | Metacre Ltd (036) |
EL6.008a | Matter 6 | BAE Systems (002) |
EL6.008b | Matter 7 | BAE Systems (002) |
EL6.009a | Matter 5 | Gladman Developments (016) |
EL6.009b | Matter 6 | Gladman Developments (016) |
EL6.0010 | Matter 5 | Keith Halliwell (028) |
EL6.0011 | Matter 7 | Rigby Organisation (062) |
EL6.0012 | Matter 5 | Wainhomes (067) |
EL6.0013 | Matters 6,7 | Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (050) |
EL6.0014 | Matters 5,7 | Blackpool Council (004) |
EL6.0015a | Matter 5 | Hearing Statement and Technical Appendix - Taylor Wimpey (060) |
EL6.0015b | Matter 6 | Statement and Appendices - Taylor Wimpey (060) |
EL6.0016 | Matters 5,6&8 | Hollins Strategic Land (022) |
EL6.0017(i) | Matter 5 | Wyre Borough Council (071) |
EL6.0017(ii) | Appendix 1 - Letters to Fylde May 2017 - Wyre Borough Council (071) |
EL6.0017(iii) | Appendix 2 - Letters from Fylde January 2017 - Wyre Borough Council (071) |
EL6.0017(iv) | Appendix 3 - Wyre's submission to Publication draft Fylde Local Plan - Wyre Borough Council (071) |
EL6.0018 | Matters 5,6,7 | Britmax Developments (005) |
EL6.0019 | Matter 7 | Greenhurst Investment (018) |
EL6.020a | Matter 5 | Oyston Estates (051) |
EL6.020b(i) | Matter 6 | Oyston Estates (051) |
EL6.020b(ii) | Matter 6 | Statement of Appendices - Oyston Estates (051) |
EL6.020b(iii) | Matter 6 | Appendix CA1 - Oyston Estates (051) |
EL6.020b(iv) | Matter 6 | Appendix CA2 - Oyston Estates (051) |
EL6.020b(v) | Matter 6 | Appendix CA3 - Oyston Estates (051) |
EL6.020b(vi) | Matter 6 | Appendix CA4 part 1 - Oyston Estates (051) |
EL6.020b(vii) | Matter 6 | Appendix CA4 part 2 - Oyston Estates (051) |
EL6.020b(viii) | Matter 6 | Appendix CA5 - Oyston Estates (051) |
EL6.020b(ix) | Matter 6 | Appendix CA6 - Oyston Estates (051) |
EL6.020b(x) | Matter 6 | Appendix CA7 - Oyston Estates (051) |
EL6.020b(xi) | Matter 6 | Appendix CA8 - Oyston Estates (051) |
EL6.020b(xii) | Matter 6 | Appendix CA9 - Oyston Estates (051) |
EL6.020c | Matter 7 | Oyston Estates (051) |
EL6.020d | Matter 8 | Oyston Estates (051) |
EL6.020e | Matter 9 | Oyston Estates (051) |
EL6.021a | Matter 5 | Story Homes (058) |
EL6.021b | Matter 6 | Story Homes (058) |
EL6.021c | Matter 8 | Story Homes (058) |
EL6.021d | Matter 10 | Story Homes (058) |
EL6.022(i) | Matter 7 | Telereal Trillium (061) |
EL6.022(ii) | Matter 7 | Appendix 1 - Telereal Trillium (061) |
EL6.022(iii) | Matter 7 | Appendix 2 - Telereal Trillium (061) |
EL6.023 | Matter 5,6 | Mr & Mrs McSorley (039) |
EL6.024a | Matter 6 | Chris Hill (010) |
EL6.024b | Matter 7 | Chris Hill (010) |
EL6.025a(i) | Matter 5 | Hallam Land (019) |
EL6.025a(ii) | Matter 5 | Appendix 1 - Hallam Land (019) |
EL6.025a(iii) | Matter 5 | Appendix 2 - Hallam Land (019) |
EL6.025a(iv) | Matter 5 | Appendix 3 - Hallam Land (019) |
EL6.025b | Matter 6 | Hallam Land (019) |
EL6.025c(iv) | Matter 10 | Hallam Land (019) |
EL6.026 | Matters 5,6,7 | CPRE (011) |
EL6.027(i) | Matter 5 | Strategic Land Group (059) |
EL6.027(ii) | Matter 5 | Appendix - Land at Peel Hill Farm Prospectus - Strategic Land Group (059) |
EL6.028 | Matter 5, 7 | Tony Guest (001) |
EL6.029(i) | Matter 7 | James Hall & Co (025) |
EL6.029(ii) | Matter 7 | Appendix Availabilities Report - James Hall & Co (025) |
EL6.029(iii) | Matter 7 | Appendix Blackpool Market Analysis - James Hall & Co (025) |
EL6.029(iv) | Matter 7 | Appendix - Marketing Overview Report - James Hall & Co (025) |
EL6.029(v) | Matter 7 | Appendix - Mythop Road Sale Details - James Hall & Co (025) |
EL6.030(i) | Matter 6 | Treales, Roseacre & Wharles Parish Council (065) |
EL6.030(ii) | Matter 6 | Appendix A - Treales, Roseacre & Wharles Parish Council (065) |
EL6.030(iii) | Matter 6 | Appendix B - Treales, Roseacre & Wharles Parish Council (065) |
EL6.030(iv) | Matter 6 | Appendix C - Treales, Roseacre & Wharles Parish Council (065) |
EL6.030(v) | Matter 6 | Appendix D - Treales, Roseacre & Wharles Parish Council (065) |
EL6.030(vi) | Matter 6 | Appendix E - Treales, Roseacre & Wharles Parish Council (065) |
EL6.030(vii) | Matter 6 | Appendix F - Treales, Roseacre & Wharles Parish Council (065) |
EL6.030(viii) | Matter 6 | Appendix G - Treales, Roseacre & Wharles Parish Council (065) |
EL6.030(ix) | Matter 6 | Appendix H - Treales, Roseacre & Wharles Parish Council (065) |
EL6.030(x) | Matter 6 | Appendix I - Treales, Roseacre & Wharles Parish Council (065) |
EL6.030(xi) | Matter 6 | Appendix J - Treales, Roseacre & Wharles Parish Council (065) |
EL6.030(xii) | Matter 6 | AJ Lucas Invester presentation May 2017 - Treales, Roseacre & Wharles Parish Council (065) |
EL6.030(xiii) | Matter 6 | Health Impact Assessment - Treales, Roseacre & Wharles Parish Council (065) |
EL6.031a(i) | Matter 5 | Fylde Borough Council |
EL6.031a(ii) | Matter 5 | Appendix 1 Trajectory Summary Tables - Fylde Borough Council |
EL6.031b(i) | Matter 6 | Fylde Borough Council |
EL6.031b(ii) | Matter 6 | Appendix 1 Fylde Borough Council |
EL6.031c(i) | Matter 7 | Fylde Borough Council |
EL6.031c(ii) | Matter 7 | Appendix 1 Fylde Borough Council |
EL6.031d | Matter 8 | Fylde Borough Council |
EL6.031e | Matter 9 | Fylde Borough Council |
EL6.031f | Matter 10 | Fylde Borough Council |
EL7 – Items re Consultation 3 August 2017
The Council consulted on the Additional Evidence in support of the Local Plan to 2032. The consultation ran for 6 weeks commencing on the 3 August 2017 and ended on the 14 September 2017. The responses received are available in documents EL7.003 a-g below, and the Council’s reaction to these in document EL7.003h.
Download | Document name |
EL7.001 | Consultation Letter |
EL7.002 | Consultation on Additional Evidence in support of the Fylde Local Plan to 2032 -August 2017 |
EL7.003a | Part 1 - Copies of representations to the Evidence Consultation |
EL7.003b | Part 2 - Copies of representations to the Evidence Consultation |
EL7.003c | Part 3 - Copies of representations to the Evidence Consultation |
EL7.003d | Part 4 - Copies of representations to the Evidence Consultation |
EL7.003e | Part 5 - Copies of representations to the Evidence Consultation |
EL7.003f | Part 6 - Copies of representations to the Evidence Consultation |
EL7.003g | Part 7 - Copies of representations to the Evidence Consultation |
EL7.003h | Summary of Responses to the Fylde Council Local Plan Additional Evidence Consultation August - September 2017 |
Items relating to Stage 3 Hearings
Download | Document name |
EL8.001a | Programme Officer Email 061117 re Stage 3 hearings |
EL8.001b | Fylde Examination Guidance Note Stage 3 update 061117 |
EL8.001c | Fylde Stage 3 draft hearings timetable - v1 061117 |
EL8.001d | Fylde Stage 3 Questions V1 |
EL8.002 | Information update from Fylde Council to Inspector 241117 |
EL8.003a | Email 081217 from Programme Officer to Stage 3 participants |
EL8.003b | Fylde stage 3 draft hearings timetable - v2 051217 |
EL8.003c | Fylde Local Plan Stage 3 participants |
EL8.004 | Fylde Council IQs Errata note 08122017 |
EL8.005 | Council Update Statement at start of Stage 3 hearing |
EL8.006 | Email 200617 from Kensington Dev to Council re Queensway Development |
EL8.007 | Email 201117 from K&B Swinton re: Thornfield Caravan Park site, Staining |
EL8.008a | Draft proposed main modifications schedule discussed at Stage 3 Hearings |
EL8.008b | Draft proposed additional modifications schedule discussed at Stage 3 Hearings |
EL8.008c | Draft proposed policies map modifications schedule discussed at Stage 3 Hearings |
Responses to the Inspector’s Stage 3 Questions
Download | Document title | |
EL9.001 | Sessions 1-3 | CAPOW (7) |
EL9.002 | Sessions 1-3 | HBF (023) |
EL9.003a | Session 1 | Strategic Land Group (059) |
EL9.003b | Sessions 2 & 3 | Strategic Land Group (059) |
EL9.004 | No Comment | Natural England (47) |
EL9.005a | Session 1 | OAN - Metacre (036) |
EL9.005b | Session 2 | Housing requirement - Metacre (036) |
EL9.005c | Session 3 | Response - Final - Metacre (036) |
EL9.006 | Session 3 | Matter 2, 3 & 4 - Carrington Group (009) |
EL9.007 | Session 3 | Hollins SL (022) |
EL9.008 | Sessions 1-3 | Taylor Wimpey (060) |
EL9.009 | Greenhurst Investments (018) | |
EL9.010a | Session 1 | Hallam Land Management (019) |
EL9.010b | Session 2 | Hallam Land Management (019) |
EL9.010c | Session 3 | Hallam Land Management (019) |
EL9.011 | Sessions 1-3 | CPRE (011) |
EL9.012 | Sessions 1-3 | Oystons (051) |
EL9.013a | Session 3 | Prospect (GB) Ltd |
EL9.013b | Appeal Decision - Beech Road, Elswick | |
EL9.014 | Sessions 1-3 | Gladman Dev (016) |
EL9.015 | Fylde Council response to Inspector's Questions | |
EL9.016a | Session 1 | Treales Roseacre & Wharles Parish Council (065) |
EL9.016b | Session 1 | Treales Roseacre & Wharles Parish Council (065) |
EL9.017a | Session 3 | Lancashire County Council (031) |
EL9.017b | Session 3 | Lancashire County Council (031) |
EL10 – Local Plan to 2032 – Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications for Consultation
The Council consulted on the documents below for 6 weeks from 8 February 2018 until 22 March 2018.
Download | Document name |
EL10.001 | Consultation Letter |
EL10.002 | Schedule of Proposed Main Modifications for Consultation |
EL10.003 | Fylde Local Plan; Sustainability Appraisal Report Addendum |
In addition the Council also consulted on the documents below. These do not concern the Plan’s policies or affect the soundness of the Local Plan, but are factual updates of the supporting text. A Schedule of Proposed Policies Map modifications was also provided for clarity with respect to some of the main modifications.
EL10.004 | Schedule of Proposed Additional Modifications |
EL10.005 | Schedule of Proposed Policies Map Modifications |
Responses received to the Main Modification consultation April 2018
EL10.006 | Copies of Representations made to the Main Modification Consultation April 2018 |
EL10.007 | Responses in order of Modification number April 2018 |
EL11 – Items added following the close of hearings
Download | Document name |
EL11.001 | Fylde Local Plan HRA Modifications Addendum Final |
EL11.002a | Letter 110518 from Inspector to Council re HRA |
EL11.002b | Letter to Inspector from the Council 110618 |
EL11.003a | Local Plan Habitats Regulations Assessment Report June 2018 |
EL11.003b | Local Plan Habitats Regulations Assessment Consultation Letter 2018 |
EL11.004a | Copies of Representations Made to the HRA June 2018 Consultation July 2018 |
EL11.004b | 011 UA004283 EEC 07 F HRA July 2018 Post Consultation Update |
EL11.004c | NE response to revised HRA 2018 07 27 |