The Local Plan needs to be based on robust evidence and an understanding of the key social, economic and environmental characteristics that make up Fylde.

There are many pieces of evidence covering a range of themes that are being used to inform the preparation of the emerging Fylde Local Plan.

Below is a list of all the evidence that is being used to inform the emerging Local Plan. The list will be updated as more evidence comes forward and as existing evidence becomes out of date. You can access the majority of evidence collated by using the links below.

Below is a list of economy-related evidence that is being used to inform the emerging Local Plan.

ED030 - Draft Lancashire Visitor Economy Strategy (2016-2020)
ED031 - Fylde Economic Development Strategy and Action Plan (2012-2030) (2012)
ED032a - Fylde Economic Viability Assessment (2016)
ED032b - Fylde Economic Viability Assessment (Addendum Report) (2016)
ED033a - Lancashire Enterprise Zone (Warton) Local Development Order No.1 (2015)
ED033b - Warton Enterprise Zone Masterplan
ED034 - Fylde Business and Industrial Land Schedule (2015)
ED035 - Lancashire Growth Deal (2015)
ED036 - Lancashire additional Growth Deal funding factsheet
ED037 - Growth Deal Implementation
ED038 - Locally Set Floorspace Threshold
ED039 - Lancashire Strategic Economic Plan
ED040 - Fylde Coast Retail update
ED041a- Fylde Employment Land and Premises Study - Final Report
ED041b - Fylde ELR Executive Summary
ED041c - Appendix 1 Glossary
ED041c - Appendix 1 Glossary
ED041d - Appendix 2 Consultees
ED041e - Appendix 3 Vacant Property Schedule
ED041f - Appendix 4 Employment Land Site Proformas
ED041g - Appendix 5 Site Scoring System
ED041h - Appendix 6a Sites Scoring
ED041i - Appendix 6b Sites Scoring Summary
ED041j - Appendix 7 Company Survey Questionnaire
ED041k - Appendix 8 Economic Forecast Models Detailed Calculations
ED041l - Appendix 9 Employment Area Proformas
ED041m - BE Group Briefing Note
ED042 - Lytham St Annes 2020 Vision
ED043 - Plan for Growth
ED044 - Fylde Sub region Employment Land Review Summary Statement
ED045 - Regeneration Framework
ED046a - Fylde Coast Sub-Region Accommodation Study Revised Final Report
ED046b - APPENDIX-1-Blackpool-Serviced-Accommodation-Database
ED046c - APPENDIX-1a-Blackpool-Non-Serviced-Accommodation-Database
ED046d - APPENDIX-2-Fylde-Accommodation-Database
ED046d - APPENDIX-2-Fylde-Accommodation-Database
ED046e - APPENDIX-3-Wyre-Accommodation-Database
ED046f - APPENDIX 4 Extracts from Existing Blackpool Planning Policy
ED046g - APPENDIX 5 Analysis of Recent Planning Decisions in Blackpool
ED046h - APPENDIX 6 Extracts from Existing Fylde Planning Policy
ED046i - APPENDIX 7 Analysis of Recent Planning Decisions in Fylde
ED046j - APPENDIX 8 Extracts from Existing Wyre Planning Policy
ED046k - APPENDIX 9 Analysis of Recent Planning Decisions in Wyre
ED047 - St Annes Seafront Masterplan 2008
ED048 - Blackpool Airport Enterprise Zone Memorandum of Understanding
ED049Lancashire Climate Change Strategy (2009-2020)
ED050Lancashire and Blackpool Local Flood Risk Management Strategy 2014-2017
ED051Ribble Catchment Flood Management Plan 2009 (Published March 2014)
ED052Lancashire Sustainable Energy Study 2011 (and update 2012)
ED053Water Cycle Strategy for Blackpool and Central Lancashire (2011)
ED054Draft Blackpool and Fylde Coast Protection Strategy (2011)
ED055Fylde Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (2011)
ED056Lancashire Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment
ED057North West England and North Wales Shoreline Management Plan (2010)
ED058UK Renewable Energy Strategy (2009)
ED059 - Open Space Update Report (2016)
ED060 - Playing Pitch Strategy and Action Plan (2016)
ED061 - Playing Pitch Strategy Assessment Report (2016)
ED062 - Built Heritage Strategy for Fylde 2015-2032
ED063 - Fylde Coastal Strategy 2015-2032
ED064a - Strategic Site Option - Landscape Assessment (2016)
ED064b - Strategic Site Option - Landscape Assessment - Appendix 1 (2016)
ED065 - A Local List of Lancashire's Unregistered Historic Designed Landscapes (2013)
ED066 - Marine Policy Statement (2011)
Fylde Green Infrastructure Strategy (2011)
ED067a - Fylde Green Infrastructure Strategy - (2011) Main Report
ED067b - Fylde Green Infrastructure Strategy - Technical Appendix (2011)
ED067c - Fylde Green Infrastructure Strategy - Clifton Drive Area Analysis Map
ED068 - Ribble Coast and Wetlands Business Plan Final Report
ED069 - The Lancashire and Blackpool Tourist Board Destination Management Plan
ED070a - Lancashire Local Biodiversity Action Plan, Lancashire Ecological Network Approach (2013)
ED070b - LCC Species Key (LERN)
ED070c - Biodiversity Action Plan - Business Plan
ED071 - Fylde Open Space, Sport and Recreation Study Strategy and Action Plan (2008)
ED072 - North West Green Infrastructure Guide (2008)
ED073 - Lancashire Historic Environment Record (website link)
ED074 - Fylde Playing Pitch Assessment (2003)
ED075 - Biodiversity Action Plan for Lancashire (2002)
ED076 - Landscape Strategy for Lancashire - Landscape Character Assessment (2000)
ED077 - Landscape Strategy for Lancashire - Landscape Strategy (2000)
ED078a - The Fylde Ecological Network - Fylde Grassland Network
ED078b - The Fylde Ecological Network - Fylde Wetland and Heath Network
ED078c - The Fylde Ecological Network - Fylde Woodland Network
ED079 - North West Shoreline Management Plan
ED080 - Fylde Sand Dunes Management Action Plan
ED081 - CPRE Tranquility Document
ED082 - Improving our Bathing Waters across the Fylde Peninsula Action Plan