A new "Carbon Reduction" survey has been created, which commits the three councils of Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre to being more environmentally friendly.
The councils are working together and within their localities. For Fylde Council to achieve our net-zero target, it is important to understand where we are now. This means determining the amount of greenhouse…

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Air Quality Management

Air pollution can have a significant effect on health and the environment. For this reason local authorities have a legal responsibility to assess and work towards improving air quality in their areas and to meet health based objectives set by the government. Council's are required to review air quality to assess whether defined…

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Local Air Pollution Prevention and Control - Part B Processes Permit

Part B processes permits are issued by the council to regulate business activities which may cause air pollution. The permit your business requires depends on the specific processes involved and the type of emissions released. Please note: To find out about permits relating to other types of…

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Why we are collecting the data

Fylde Borough Council Environmental Protection Department provides a number of services which include Statutory Nuisance investigation, Environmental crime enforcement, regularisation to existing premises and enforcement to premises which fail to meet legislative requirements. The service area also covers, but not exclusively listed, the following roles -

Responsible Authorities

Organisations involved in the management of flood risk are known as Risk Management Authorities (RMAs), they are: Lead Local Flood Authorities (Lancashire County Council) are responsible for the management of local flood risks, which are defined as pluvial flooding, groundwater flooding and fluvial flooding from Ordinary Watercourses. Lancashire County Council is also responsible for managing…

Read more Flooding and Water Management

What is the difference between a drain and a sewer?

A drain serves only one property. This is the home-owners responsibility. A lateral drain is the section of pipe which continues beyond the property boundary. This is the responsibility of United Utilities.


Drains - As a home owner you are still responsible for any drain serving only your…

Read more Drains and Sewage

A vehicle will not be classified/investigated as abandoned if it is simply: • Not displaying a tax disk (no longer a legal requirement) • Untaxed (this can be reported to the DVLA for enforcement) • Parked on a public highway when it has a SORN - Statutory Off Road Notification (this can be reported to the DVLA…

Read more Abandoned Vehicles

What we can't deal with:
  • Children’s noise
  • Shouting and screaming
  • Everyday domestic noise
  • Car stereos on moving vehicles
  • Sound insulation
Commercial noise It is recognised that a certain amount of noise is likely to occur in most types of construction operations. For residential works where occupiers nearby may be affected the hours of noisy works are normally…

Read more Report Noise Pollution