Responsible Authorities
Organisations involved in the management of flood risk are known as Risk Management Authorities (RMAs), they are:
Lead Local Flood Authorities (Lancashire County Council) are responsible for the management of local flood risks, which are defined as pluvial flooding, groundwater flooding and fluvial flooding from Ordinary Watercourses. Lancashire County Council is also responsible for managing roads to ensure that flooding does not represent a nuisance to road users
Environment Agency – manages flood risk from Main Rivers and the Sea and has strategic overview role for local sources of flooding and reservoirs Water Companies – manage flood risk from sewers and water transfer infrastructure
District Councils (Fylde Borough Council) – Fylde Borough Council has the responsibility for protecting the borough from flooding and erosion from the sea as mentioned above.
The council is responsible for dealing with potential flooding of its own sites i.e. land that is owned by the council whether it is Fairhaven Lake, car parks, promenades, or allotments etc.
For a full and comprehensive guide to who is responsible for managing flood risk, please visit the website.