The plan is 'made'

On 24 May 2017 Fylde Borough Council agreed to make the Bryning with Warton Neighbourhood Plan under 38A(4)(a) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. The Bryning with Warton Neighbourhood Plan Neighbourhood Plan now forms part of the Development Plan for Fylde Borough Council.
Lancashire County Council is the Minerals and Waste Planning Authority for Lancashire. Fylde Borough Council is a consultee only, and does not determine Waste or Mineral planning applications including Shale Gas or 'Fracking' related applications. The Development Management Group is responsible for monitoring, protecting and regulating the use of land for mineral (mines and quarries) and waste management (landfill/land raising,…

Read more Shale Gas (role of Lancashire County Council in planning)

Some proposed developments can only be made acceptable in planning terms if the developer enters into an agreement to do or not do something on the land, or to provide some community benefit that the proposed development makes necessary. These may include affordable housing, community facilities, highways and street works. An agreement of this kind is…

Read more Section 106 Agreements