Lancashire County Council is the Minerals and Waste Planning Authority for Lancashire.
Fylde Borough Council is a consultee only, and does not determine Waste or Mineral planning applications including Shale Gas or ‘Fracking’ related applications.
The Development Management Group is responsible for monitoring, protecting and regulating the use of land for mineral (mines and quarries) and waste management (landfill/land raising, recycling, composting, waste water treatment) developments, and for the County Council’s own developments (schools, libraries, highways) through the determination of planning applications. It also investigates related breaches of planning control. This involves implementing European, national, regional and local planning policies.
Click on the links below to find more about development management and how to contact the Lancashire County Council Development Management Group:
Complaints about current sites or representations on current planning applications should be made directly to Lancashire County Council.
In writing: Environment Directorate, P O Box 9, Guild House, Cross Street, Preston PR1 8RD
By phone: 01772 5334181 or 01772 531929
For enquiries relating to shale gas by email:
You can also make a complaint online to Lancashire County Council