Payment via Direct Debit

Direct Debit is one of the safest and most convenient ways of paying your bills. Payments are made automatically, so bills are never forgotten, lost in the post or delayed by postal problems Organisations using the Direct Debit scheme have to pass a careful vetting process, and are closely monitored by the banking industry. The…

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Fylde's Coastal Strategy identifies and develops high-level key actions, addresses the major issues affecting the Fylde Coast and applies these Key Actions to specific zones.
  • Zone 1 Starr Hills Dunes and Beaches
  • Zone 2 St Anne’s on the Sea
  • Zone 3 Fairhaven Sand Dunes
  • Zone 4 Fairhaven Lake, Gardens and Granny’s Bay.
  • Zone 5 Lytham Heritage…

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The most common frauds relate to false claims for discounts and exemptions. This includes single person discount of 25% for sole adult occupiers and student exemption claims. Providing false information in order to avoid…

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It is free to check and challenge your Council Tax band, the bands are set and maintained by the Valuation Office Agency.  You can do so using this link or alternatively by calling 03000 501501 during office hours for the best advice before signing with an outside Company. Council Tax is paid over a maximum of 12…

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The Council’s Waste Prevention and Enforcement Team actively work with residents to encourage them to recycle as much as possible and to take responsibility for their household waste and refuse and recycling containers. Unfortunately, some residents are either unaware of their obligations, refuse to recycle or choose not to comply with the collection arrangements. Initially the…

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An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) provides a rating for the energy efficiency of a building. The ratings are set against standard criteria to enable one building to be compared with another of a similar type. EPCs are similar to the certificates now provided with domestic appliances such as refrigerators and washing machines. They give information…

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Under Section 80 of the Building Act 1984 anyone intending to carry out demolition work is required to notify the Council. This generally applies to the demolition of any building or part of a building greater than 1750 cubic feet. (50 cubic metres). The fee for processing a Demolition Notice is £165 (no VAT) payment can…

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Universal Credit is a new benefit for working age people who are out of work or on a low income. It is run by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and replaces the following six main working age benefits with a single monthly payment: