Information about income from off street parking and parking enforcement. Please find the Fylde Council’s Annual Parking Reports below. The reports set out the off-street parking provision that is provided by the Council and details information relating to income and expenditure associated with the provision of this service. Fylde Council owns and operates 16 car parks spread over…

Read more Parking Information

The Council is committed to paying employees based on the recognised job evaluation schemes detailed in the Pay Policy Statement. It is the application of these schemes that creates the salary differentials. Pay rates for each grade are published on the Councils website with the ratio between the highest possible salary and lowest possible salary detailed below.…

Read more Salary Ratios

Local Government Transparency Code - Fraud

Explanatory Notes

  1. In all cases the powers used were under the Prevention of Social Housing Fraud (Power to require information) (England) Regulations 2014
  2. Preston City Council operates a counter fraud service on behalf of Fylde Council
  3. All of the professionally accredited counter fraud specialists are members of the counter fraud…

    Read more Fraud Data

What information do we collect?

We will collect personal details appropriate to the service you require. In some areas, this may simply mean registering your name, address and email details. Other on-line forms will require more information so that all the appropriate elements of your service request will be dealt with in a timely manner.

What do…

Read more Website Privacy Notice

Fylde's Management Team Pay and Positions

There are no bonus payments made to the senior management at Fylde and none of the positions receive any other payment benefits. There are no other employees at Fylde paid a salary in excess of £50,000 per annum.
The council has established procedures that must be followed in the event of an unauthorised encampment. It is important to note that the process is only applicable to unauthorised encampments on council owned land. The process has been based on best practice and the requirement to follow due legal process taking into consideration the requirements…

Read more Unauthorised Encampments

The most common frauds relate to false claims for discounts and exemptions. This includes single person discount of 25% for sole adult occupiers and student exemption claims. Providing false information in order to avoid…

Read more Fraud

Universal Credit is a new benefit for working age people who are out of work or on a low income. It is run by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and replaces the following six main working age benefits with a single monthly payment: