Information about income from off street parking and parking enforcement.
Please find the Fylde Council’s Annual Parking Reports below. The reports set out the off-street parking provision that is provided by the Council and details information relating to income and expenditure associated with the provision of this service.
Fylde Council owns and operates 16 car parks spread over the towns of St Annes and Lytham. Of these 16, 2 are free to use and 14 are charged via pay and display. The car parks comprise a total of 1,320 spaces made of 157 free spaces (89 disabled bays and other designated bays including general parking and reserved bays) and 1,163 charged spaces.
All Fylde Council owned and operated car parks are enforced under the Traffic Management Act 2004 and the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 and subsequent amendments. A copy of Fylde Council’s Traffic Regulation Order and amendments under which the car parks are enforced can be found in the Traffic Penalty Tribunal’s library (external link).
Welcome to Fylde Council’s Annual Parking Finance Estimate Report for 2020/21. Under the Local Government Transparency Code 2015, in relation to parking account data, where the
local authority’s annual accounts have not been finalised, the authority should publish estimates within one month after the year to which the data is applicable. This report sets
out financial estimates for the last financial year along with actual financial information from previous years.
Fylde Council’s car parks are managed in accordance with the Fylde Car Park Strategy. The latest version of this strategy can be viewed below.