Some proposed developments can only be made acceptable in planning terms if the developer enters into an agreement to do or not do something on the land, or to provide some community benefit that the proposed development makes necessary. These may include affordable housing, community facilities, highways and street works. An agreement of this kind is…

Read more Section 106 Agreements

New legislation came into force on 1 October 2009 which allows the local planning authorities to approve non material changes to approved development in the form of the Town & Country Planning (General Development Procedure) (Amendment no 3) (England) Order 2009 which in turn has been replaced by the Town & Country Planning (Development Management…

Read more Non Material Amendments to Existing Planning Permissions

Planning Application Fees in England These fees are payable on all planning applications in England between 6 December 2023 and 31 March 2025. These fees differ from the arrangements prior to 6 December 2023 as the government has:
Building Control and Planning are two distinct types of service which can affect the construction and appearance of buildings. For most building work two separate application's are necessary in order to obtain both Building Regulation's and Planning Applications consent. The majority of building works require Building Regulation approval with only a few minor works being exempt.…

Read more Difference between Building Control and Planning

What is a Design and Access Statement?

Many applications will have to be accompanied by a Design and Access Statement. These are intended to aid the wider consideration of planning applications (both full and outline applications) and Listed Building applications. Design and Access Statements are short reports that accompany and support a planning application to illustrate…

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