What is a Design and Access Statement?
Many applications will have to be accompanied by a Design and Access Statement. These are intended to aid the wider consideration of planning applications (both full and outline applications) and Listed Building applications. Design and Access Statements are short reports that accompany and support a planning application to illustrate the process that has led to the development proposal, and to explain and justify the proposal in a structured way.
Are there any exceptions?
All applications will require a Statement except those which involve:
- a change of use of land or buildings (provided that no works are involved);
- engineering or mining operations;
- development of an existing house or in the curtilage of a house that is not within a Conservation Area or Site of Special Scientific Interest
- display of advertisements;
- works to trees subject to Tree Preservation Orders;
- storage of hazardous substances.
Where a Statement is required we must receive it fully completed before we can process the application. It is essential that you provide the necessary detail so that we can make a speedy decision.