Trees in conservation areas are protected, it being an offence to fell, lop or top trees in a conservation area without giving the Local Authority six weeks notice, unless the tree is dangerous and requires immediate action. Many trees in the Borough either singly, in a group or woodland are subject to Tree Preservation Orders (TPO).…

Read more Trees and High Hedges – Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs)

The Lancashire Highways Partnership (LHP) takes the overall responsibility for maintaining highways. Whether it's a faulty street light, a pot hole or a road that needs salting, this is the organisation to do it. The LHP offer a completely interactive and seamless service via its web site which along with a Lancashire Highways Partnership contact centre  is your access…

Read more Highways, Potholes and Lighting

Lytham War Memorial and Garden is situated at the eastern end of Lytham’s main shopping street, adjacent to Lytham’s Piazza. The site sits in between Market Square and Hastings Place. Lytham Memorial is one of three listed War Memorials within the Borough of Fylde. The memorial itself is housed within formal gardens. In summary the Gardens offers…

Read more Lytham War Memorial and Gardens

Fylde Council are responsible for all new addresses and address changes and the repair and maintenance of street nameplates. Currently we do not charge for naming and numbering applications. All address changes need to be confirmed by us to ensure there is no ambiguity or any potential for this to mislead in any way. Once the address is…

Read more Street Names and Numbers

For many years local communities have felt that their local park or open space has been neglected and they have been powerless to do anything about it. Setting up a parks supporters group gives all members of the community the chance to develop their local park or open space in line with their needs. Forming a…

Read more Parks Support Groups

Visitors and residents are attracted to the gardens to enjoy its pleasures as it is one of Fylde's premier sites. The site comprises of mature gardens and contains a range of passive and active leisure facilities for all age ranges. The Gardens are an example of horticultural excellence and are maintained to an incredibly high…

Read more Lowther Gardens