Blue Badge Holder Parking on Fylde Car Parks

Blue Badges allow cars carrying people with a range of visible and non-visible disabilities to park near shops, stations and other facilities. Blue Badges enable preferential parking close to popular locations but do not guarantee free parking. If you park in a designated disabled bay you can park free…

Read more Blue Badge Scheme

The type of complaints we would deal with are those where the food was purchased within the Borough of Fylde and is contaminated such as to make it unsuitable or unfit for human consumption e.g. the presence of glass, metal or other foreign material, foods showing evidence of mould growth or contaminated with food poisoning…

Read more Food Safety Complaints

Establishing a food business is not just a question of ensuring that there is a market for the products you intend to sell. There are a number of areas of legislation that you must consider in order for the business to comply with the law and some of these are as follows: -

Registration of the…

Read more Advice to New Businesses

Legal Requirement

The Council has a duty under section 46 of the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 to "cause to be buried or cremated the body of any person who has died or found to be dead" within the Fylde Borough Council area and where it appears "that no suitable arrangement for the disposal of the body…

Read more Public Health Funerals

The Council manages the Lytham Park Cemetery and is responsible for the grounds maintenance of the closed churchyard at the St Annes Parish Church. In managing and maintaining the cemetery and churchyard, the Council has a statutory responsibility under Health and Safety legislation to oversee the safety of all visitors to the cemetery and churchyard.…

Read more Memorial Safety