Blue Badge Holder Parking on Fylde Car Parks
Blue Badges allow cars carrying people with a range of visible and non-visible disabilities to park near shops, stations and other facilities. Blue Badges enable preferential parking close to popular locations but do not guarantee free parking.
If you park in a designated disabled bay you can park free of charge for up to 3 hours. You must clearly display your Blue Badge, with serial number and expiry date facing upwards, along with the clock set to the time of arrival. If you wish to stay longer than 3 hours on long-stay car parks then a pay and display ticket must be purchased to the value of time beyond the free 3 hours you expect to stay, e.g. if you expect to stay for 5 hours you will need to purchase a ticket to the value of 2 hours and display next to your blue badge.
If the designated disabled bays are full and you choose to stay in the car park using a standard bay, you must purchase a pay and display ticket for the value of your full stay and clearly display it.
National Scheme
- The concessions provided under the scheme apply to on-street parking only
- Badge holders may park on single or double yellow lines for up to three hours in England and Wales, except where there is a ban on loading or unloading
- There is no time limit for parking on yellow lines in Scotland
- Badge holders may park for free and for as long as they need to at on-street parking meters and pay-and-display machines, unless there is a traffic sign specifying a time limit for holders of Blue Badges
- Where a time limit is in force, you must display both the Blue Badge and the special blue parking disc showing time of arrival
- While the scheme operates throughout the UK, there are small variations in its application in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Please see the relevant website for further information. The information on this page relates to England unless specified
A range of people are eligible for Blue Badges
Eligibility criteria for Blue Badges can be found at Lancashire County Council’s Website. People can apply for a Blue Badge by contacting the Lancashire County Council Customer Service Centre on 0300 123 6736, or apply on-line, or email
The card clocks which come with the blue badge must be displayed when using a blue badge for disabled parking. The Social Services in Scotland do not issue these clocks. Before visiting England, or on arrival, customers from Scotland should obtain a clock from either Lancashire Social Services in Lytham or Fylde Council’s One Stop Shop in St Anne’s. Clocks are issued free upon production of a valid blue badge.