1. The aims of the events policy are to:
  • provide a strategic framework for an events programme
  • provide consistency in approval and support of events
  • ensure the highest standards of health and safety are followed at events
  • establish a clear framework for the financial support of events
  • establish a…

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This form should be completed by food business operators in respect of new food business establishments and received by the relevant Food Authority 28 days before commencing food operations. On the basis of the activities carried out, certain food business establishments are required to be approved rather than registered. If you are unsure whether any aspect…

Read more Register a food business

Fylde’s reputation and experience of high profile events across the Borough means that new events and civic occasions have the opportunity to increase and play a pivotal role in the economy and profile of Fylde. The Fylde Borough has an annual tourism revenue of £264 million as identified by the ‘official’ STEAM figures and supports…

Read more Propose an event

The Council's Strategic Housing Land Availablilty Assessment (SHLAA) is a study which examines the amount and location of land which is potentially suitable for housing development over the next fifteen years. The study is part of the evidence base which will underpin the preparation of the Council's Local Plan. There are four main objectives of the…

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Neighbourhood Planning was introduced with the Localism Act in 2011 and gives local communities and business new powers to write planning policies through Neighbourhood Development Plans. A Neighbourhood Development Plan reflects their priorities, deliver tangible local benefits and has real weight in planning decisions and can ensure the right type of development for the community…

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A listed building is one that is of ‘special architectural or historic interest’ and has been included on a List kept by the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport. The principles of selection for these lists were originally drawn up by an expert committee of architects, antiquaries and historians, and are still followed. Buildings…

Read more Heritage