1. The aims of the events policy are to:
- provide a strategic framework for an events programme
- provide consistency in approval and support of events
- ensure the highest standards of health and safety are followed at events
- establish a clear framework for the financial support of events
- establish a clear structure of how events are processed within FBC
2. The policy objectives of the events policy are to:
- encourage events in the Borough and provide agreed support and assistance
- facilitate an events programme for Fylde to enhance the Fylde tourism offer, profile and economic impact
- develop a co-ordinated approach to encourage and increase the provision of events exploiting all opportunities
- attract major events of regional, national and international significance
- increase and sustain economic growth from events
3. Events are categorised to ensure greater consistency in approach between differing requests received. The table below contains 6 categories of events and includes the level of council support/charging expectations dependent upon the event.
4. The size and nature of an event will dictate the amount of forward planning that is required. The table attached indicates the different lead in times dependant on size.
5. Any events or use of council land/facilities must not, in the reasonable opinion of the Council, be inappropriate or objectionable or be likely to subject the Council to adverse publicity, reputational damage or prosecution.
6. Events must not be political or appear to be designed in whole, or in part, to affect public support for a political party.
7. Event organisers must provide for adequate public liability insurance as required by the council.
8. Event organisers must agree to pay for the reinstatement of any damage caused or removal of waste left.
9. Requests to land/take off drones from council land must satisfy the safety requirements of the CAA for unmanned aircraft.
10. Barbeques held on Council land as part of events should be done so in a responsible manner and limiting inconvenience and nuisance to others and held in appropriately constructed equipment. Any evidence of a barbeque having taken place should be disposed of responsibly and appropriately once completed along with any litter generated.
11. Chinese Sky lanterns are not to be launched from Fylde Council land.
12. Handheld balloon launches are not to take place on Fylde Council land.
13. Fireworks only to be launched on Fylde Council land with the express permission of Fylde Council in permitted locations under strict conditions of use.
14. Grant requests for events should be considered against whether the event is innovative and provides tourism related benefits to the borough. Any grant provided would normally be one off in nature. If further requests are received they should normally be reduced by 50% for year 2 and a further 50% for year 3 – e.g. £1K / £500 / £250 for maximum 3 years support.
15. Support for Club Days, Galas and Carnivals is to continue at same level.
16. The table below attached sets out the different categories of events and summarises the council’s
approach to charging/recovery of cost/support.
Category | Event type | Description | Example | Council approach to charging/recovery of cost/support |
A | One off large scale events | Significant one off events which happen infrequently but can bring significant economic benefit to the area | Olympic Torch, R&A Open Golf, Ricoh Women’s Golf | Bespoke plan and support as appropriate re logistical support (e.g. traffic management, land usage, parking) |
B | Commercial events on council land | Events organised by a commercial company. A contribution may be given to registered charities | Lytham Festival | Usually a charge for use of council land and any associated costs/loss of income re charged |
C | Commercial trading or private use of council land | Where an activity takes place on council land for commercial gain, trading or private use | Commercial filming requests, concessions, markets, ice rink, weddings | Usually a charge for use of council land and any associated costs/loss of income re charged |
D | Societies, and organisations holding events on council land | Where an activity takes place on council land by community groups/ societies/organisations. There may be some limited trading/ commercial element to cross subsidise the event. | Triathlon, Vehicle rallies, Park Fun days | Any council costs/loss of income to be usually re charged to the event organiser |
E | Charity Events on council land | Where an activity takes place on council land where the main intention is to raise money for charity and all/majority of the proceeds are passed on to registered charities | Charity Fun Days – e.g. RNLI, RSPB, St Georges Day Festival | Usually free use of Council land and FBC costs may be absorbed internally if minor or recharged to event organisers if more significant |
F | Council/ community organised or supported events | Where the borough council/Parish/Town Council is the event organiser and stages an event for the benefit of the community | Wartime Weekend, Club Days, Kite Festival, Rainford Golf, remembrance events, opening ceremonies, beacon lighting | Costs normally budgeted within FBC, or met by Town/Parish Councils, or where other agreed support is provided e.g. bunting, chairs, staging, or financial grant given |
Event size category | Anticipated attendance numbers | Infrastructure requirements | Lead time required for event applications |
Major event | 10,000+ | Major infrastructure usually required, taking days to construct, dismantle and reinstate | 9 months |
Large event | between 5,000 and 9,999 | Has infrastructure and equipment which can take up to a day to construct and remove and reinstate | 6 months |
Medium event | between 250 to 4,999 people | Has some equipment which can be set up and removed in a few hours | 3 months |
Small event | No more than 249 people | Has little or no infrastructure involved | 6 weeks |