Fylde’s reputation and experience of high profile events across the Borough means that new events and civic occasions have the opportunity to increase and play a pivotal role in the economy and profile of Fylde. The Fylde Borough has an annual tourism revenue of £264 million as identified by the ‘official’ STEAM figures and supports over 3,300 fte jobs in the district. Over 3 million annual visits are made to Fylde, of which 15% are overnight stays. A visitor staying overnight spends approximately 8 times more than a day visitor, hence the opportunity to increase overnight visits through events.
The council has a role in events in many ways. This includes directly providing or commissioning events, licensing / approving events held by others, providing support for events that others provide such as financial/operational support and also by promoting events. The council also undertakes regulatory functions in relation to events which include Health & Safety, Food Safety, and Environmental Protection e.g. noise.
There is also an events support budget available to encourage and support new and innovative events and activities that must deliver some of the following benefits:
- generate tourism income for the benefit of the resident community and tourist economy,
- project a positive image of Fylde and raise awareness of the tourism industry,
- facilitate a wider range of facilities and infrastructure than would otherwise be unavailable to the resident community,
- provide additional employment opportunities and create a sense of pride and identity in the area for the resident community.
Please use the Application for event funding form above to apply for financial support from Fylde Council. The purpose of the council supporting events is to encourage new activities and attractions in Fylde and/or to facilitate special events that meet the evaluation criteria below:
- Is the event new and innovative?
- Is it a community event (non – commercial)?
- Will the event be of benefit / interest to the community or tourists?
- Does the event have the potential to be self-sustainable long term?
- Is there suitable match funding from stakeholders/partners? (Please note that the Council will only fund up to a maximum of 30% of the total event cost or £2,000, whichever is the greater, to a maximum of £2,000).
If you feel that your proposed event or activity meets the criteria above, we look forward to hearing from you. Please note only one application for the same event can be made, given funding can be allocated for up to three years maximum, on a 50% sliding scale per year. The Council will work with you to make sure the event is safe, secure and a success
If you are not sure if your event or activity meets the criteria please contact Tim Dixon tim.dixon@fylde.gov.uk