The larger planning applications, and those which are locally contentious, are often determined by the Planning Committee. This meets roughly once every 4 weeks and has 12 members from across the borough. Its meetings begin at 10am on a Wednesday and are held in the Council Chamber at the Town Hall. The meeting dates and…

Read more The planning committee

What does the barbecue ban mean?

It requires a person to not light or cook on any barbecue in the area where the order applies. It also requires a person to not bring any barbecue into an area where the order applies with the intention of lighting it or cooking on it there, knowing that doing…

Read more BBQ PSPO FAQ’s

Further to a recent consultation on the renewal Public Spaces Protection Orders for BBQs and open fires, a number of sealed orders will come into force with effect from 1st July 2022 for a period of 3 years. The orders will prohibit BBQs and outdoor cooking on a number of the Borough’s open spaces; a full…

Read more BBQ PSPO

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a tool for local authorities in England and Wales to help deliver infrastructure to support the development of the area. The CIL is a charge that developers must pay in relation to certain types of new development. The Levelling-up and Regeneration Act 2023 includes provisions to replace the “Community Infrastructure…

Read more Community Infrastructure Levy

The Local Plan needs to be based on robust evidence and an understanding of the key social, economic and environmental characteristics that make up Fylde. There are many pieces of evidence covering a range of themes that are being used to inform the preparation of the emerging Fylde Local Plan. Below is a list of all the…

Read more Fylde Local Plan to 2032 – Comprehensive list of evidence

The government have recently introduced a legal requirement for councils to prepare, maintain and publish a register of brownfield land that is considered appropriate for residential development. Brownfield land registers are in two parts:
  • Part 1 is a list of brownfield sites that are considered appropriate for residential development;
  • Part 2 consists of sites which have…

    Read more Brownfield Register

Collections across the borough take place every week, alternating between recycling and general waste. All collections take place on the same day meaning you only have to remember one day of the week to present your recycling and rubbish. Please enter your postcode or first line of your address to find your…

Read more Bin collection day