The larger planning applications, and those which are locally contentious, are often determined by the Planning Committee. This meets roughly once every 4 weeks and has 12 members from across the borough. Its meetings begin at 9.30am on a Wednesday and are held in the Council Chamber at the Town Hall. The meeting dates and membership are available to here.
Members of the public are able to attend these meetings to observe, and can speak on an application if they wish, but must register in advance to do so. This registration must be with the council by 12.30pm on the Monday before the meeting and should be made by email to All speakers will be strictly limited to a maximum of 3 minutes on an item, with only one speaker from each household permitted.
If you are unsure if a particular application is to be determined by officers under delegated powers, or at the Committee, please check with the case officer handling the application or the Planning Support Team on 01253 658435 /
The agenda for each meeting will be published on the council’s website at least 5 working days before the meeting.