Fylde Council has submitted a £13.14 million bid to Round 2 of the Government’s Levelling Up Fund (LUF) that if successful will help kick-start the regeneration of St Anne’s Town Centre.  The £4.8 billion Levelling Up Fund has been established to invest in projects focused on town centre and high street regeneration, local…

Read more From the Station to the Sea: Fylde Council Submits Bid to Round 2 Levelling Up Fund To Revitalise St Annes Town Centre & Promenade Gardens

Fylde Council is celebrating after receiving Green Flag Awards for Ashton Gardens, the Promenade Gardens, Fairhaven Lake, Lowther Gardens, Lytham Memorial Gardens and Elswick Village Hall, placing them amongst 2208 UK winners to have met the high standard of the international quality mark for parks and green spaces.  Cllr Michael Sayward, Chairman of…

Read more Six Fylde Parks awarded the coveted Green Flag Award and officially recognised as amongst the country’s best parks!

Fylde Council is unveiling major plans to redevelop the St Annes Coastline at a one-day public exhibition to be held at the Town Hall in St Annes on Monday 1 August between 15:00 – 19:00.  The project team comprising staff representing Fylde Council, the designers Jacobs UK, and the contractor Volker Stevin will…

Read more Views Sought at St Annes Seawall Coastal Transformation Display

A new modular toilet facility is to be built at St Annes North Beach, providing permanent public conveniences to visitors, following the awarding of a contract to Danfo UK Ltd by Fylde Council’s Operational Management Committee.  The North Beach area, located in St Annes located Clifton Drive North, has become increasingly popular in recent…

Read more New Public Conveniences Coming to North Beach

An additional £20,000 has been recommended by Fylde Council’s Operational Management Committee to fully realise the refurbishment of Stanner Bank public conveniences into an accessible and welcoming new amenity.  The original approved 2022/23 Capital Programme included a budget of £58,000 for the refurbishment of the toilet block to improve accessibility and renovate the…

Read more Budget Boost for Stanner Bank Toilet Refurbishment

The In Bloom groups across Fylde have received additional one-off payments from Fylde Council’s COVID funding to assist the post-pandemic return of the volunteer groups.  Payments totalling £13,250 have been made to the twelve local organisations, whose hard work to keep the towns and villages of the borough beautiful was impacted by the coronavirus pandemic and…

Read more Local In Bloom Groups Get COVID Cash Boost

Vulnerable residents across Fylde are soon to receive additional financial assistance from Fylde Council through the Household Support Fund.  Fylde Council have received £270k in funding from Lancashire County Council, and a one-off payment of £90 will be made to each household where a person of pension age and in receipt of Council Tax support is…

Read more Next Stage of Fylde Council’s Household Support Fund Announced

Fylde Council’s Community Projects Fund has awarded over £14,500 in financial support to local voluntary, community and faith groups during 2021/2022.  The Fylde Community Projects Fund awards grants between £300 to £2000 for organisations which are based in Fylde or work exclusively with people who live in the Borough, funding projects which promote…

Read more Fylde Community Projects Fund 2021/22 Update

The Fylde Council handyperson scheme for those on lower income and sanctuary scheme to help victims of domestic violence will be continued for a further three years in Fylde.  Following an initial 12-month pilot scheme, councillors on Fylde’s Environment, Health and Housing Committee voted unanimously to fund the service for a further three…

Read more Fylde Council Handyperson & Sanctuary Scheme Extended