The Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 empowers Local Authorities to deal with privately owned derelict buildings which have become insecure and open to public access. The Development Services Directorate has responsibility for ensuring that reported derelict and insecure buildings are dealt with so that no threat is posed to people in the vicinity. Once a report…

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An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) provides a rating for the energy efficiency of a building. The ratings are set against standard criteria to enable one building to be compared with another of a similar type. EPCs are similar to the certificates now provided with domestic appliances such as refrigerators and washing machines. They give information…

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Local Authority Building Control (LABC) represents all local authority building control teams in England and Wales. Their network of 3,000 professional surveyors provide fast, impartial advice and services on a 'not-for-profit' basis to home and property owners, architects, plan drawers, developers, building contractors and other professionals to ensure buildings are safe, healthy and efficient to meet…

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Under Section 80 of the Building Act 1984 anyone intending to carry out demolition work is required to notify the Council. This generally applies to the demolition of any building or part of a building greater than 1750 cubic feet. (50 cubic metres). The fee for processing a Demolition Notice is £165 (no VAT) payment can…

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The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 was approved by Parliament on 7 June 2005 and came into force in October 2006. It replaces all previous existing fire safety legislation and will have an impact on all employers, owners, occupiers and self-employed businesses. There are very few exceptions from having to comply with the new regulations. It applies in…

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Building Control and Planning are two distinct types of service which can affect the construction and appearance of buildings. For most building work two separate application's are necessary in order to obtain both Building Regulation's and Planning Applications consent. The majority of building works require Building Regulation approval with only a few minor works being exempt.…

Read more Difference between Building Control and Planning