The Council’s Waste Prevention and Enforcement Team actively work with residents to encourage them to recycle as much as possible and to take responsibility for their household waste and refuse and recycling containers. Unfortunately, some residents are either unaware of their obligations, refuse to recycle or choose not to comply with the collection arrangements. Initially the…

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A vehicle will not be classified/investigated as abandoned if it is simply: • Not displaying a tax disk (no longer a legal requirement) • Untaxed (this can be reported to the DVLA for enforcement) • Parked on a public highway when it has a SORN - Statutory Off Road Notification (this can be reported to the DVLA for…

Read more Abandoned Vehicles

The dumping of waste on public highways or on private land is classified as fly tipping and is an illegal activity. If you witness waste being dumped, please report this to the police on 999 as a crime in progress.   Alternatively, if you have just discovered it, please report this to us.  Read more Fly tipping

Fylde Council can provide help with taking the bins out on your collection day if you are elderly,  or have limited mobility and have nobody else living in the property who can put the bins out for you. If approved, access to the bins must be provided from 7:00am on collection day, any dogs must be…

Read more Assisted collection