Kilgrimol Ward – Thursday 2 May 2024

Following receipt of a valid petition a Town Council by-election will take place in the Kilgrimol ward of Saint Anne’s on The Sea Town Council on Thursday 2 May 2024 with the Police and Crime Commissioner elections.

Nomination packs will be available from the Elections office, Town Hall or the…

Read more Saint Anne’s on The Sea Town Council By-Election

Empty properties blight communities because they deteriorate rapidly and can become targets for vandalism and crime. To tackle the issue, we have a strategy in place to help reduce the number of long-term empty dwellings in the borough.

What defines an empty home?

An empty home is a dwelling that has been unoccupied for more than 6…

Read more Empty Homes

Everyone experiences bereavement at some point in their lives and the affect it has on you and the people around you can be far reaching.

It is easy to feel isolated when this happens, but bereavement is a universal condition and you do not need to suffer alone.

Below you will find links to…

Read more Bereavement Support

We aim to deliver excellent services on behalf of all the communities we serve and seek to continually review, challenge and improve how we deliver those services. In 2022, the council invited the Planning Advisory Service (PAS) to carry out a ‘Peer Review’ of its planning service.  In October 2023 an action plan that seeks to…

Read more Continuous Improvement

What is Scrutiny?

In May 2023, Fylde Council underwent a significant governance transformation with the establishment of the Executive Committee, which now assumes the decision-making responsibilities formerly held by programme committees. In response to this change, the Council introduced two scrutiny committees, both falling under the framework of the Local Government Act 2000. 


Read more Scrutiny

PSPOs are one of a number of powers introduced by the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. They are designed to deal with a particular nuisance or problem in an area which is having a detrimental effect on the quality of life of those in the community.

Why impose restrictions?

We have installed defibrillators across the borough for emergency use only. If you need access to a defibrillator, call 999 immediately and the operator will tell you where the nearest one is and give you the code to access it. They will then talk you through the very simple steps to use one and potentially…

Read more Defibrillators in Fylde