The armorial bearings comprise a complete Achievement of Arms i.e. shield, crest and helm and mantling, supporters, badge and motto, reflecting the union of the three local authorities in the area on 1 April 1974, i.e. Lytham St Anne's Borough Council, Kirkham Urban District Council and Fylde Rural District Council. The shield portrays a typical Fylde…

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Honorary Alderman is a strong tradition in Fylde, the prestigious honour recognises long-serving councillors who made an outstanding contribution to the Borough and their community during their time in office and is traditionally bestowed on councillors who have served the Borough for 16 years or more (Changed from 20 years service to 16 years service…

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The Mayor and Mayoress are invited to many functions during their Mayoral year. Along with their deputies, they represent the Council to the people of the Borough. To view the Mayoral engagements for this current week, please view the table below.

Invitation to the Mayor to Participate in an Event

If you wish to invite the Mayor and Mayoress…

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The Fylde Community Safety Partnership (CSP)  was created because of a statutory requirement under the Crime and Disorder Act, 1998, and members of the Partnership are committed to multi-agency problem solving and delivering solutions to respond to crime and disorder.  The statutory partners comprise Fylde Council, Lancashire County Council, Lancashire Constabulary, Lancashire Fire and Rescue,…

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Understanding Hate Crimes

Any crime or incident which you believe is happening because of race, ethnicity, religion or belief, gender identity, sexual orientation or disability is a hate crime. You could also be a victim of hate crime if you believe you are being targeted because the offender perceives you to be different in some way.

It could…

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Child Protection

There are many possible signs of abuse, ranging from physical injury to changes in behaviour. Alternatively you may witness an incident or the child may tell you that he/she is being harmed. If you are worried about the welfare or safety of a child it is very important that you contact: