The Council is committed to the highest possible standards of openness, probity and accountability. In line with that commitment we encourage employees and others with serious concerns about any aspect of the Council's work to come forward and voice those concerns without fear of reprisals. This policy document makes it clear that you can do…

Read more Whistleblowing Policy

Risk management is a strategic tool and an essential part of effective and efficient management and planning. Fylde Borough Council delivers a diverse range of services that provide a significant potential for personal injury and loss or damage. Risk management allows us to reduce that potential and in respect of strategic risk it will allow us…

Read more Risk Management

You can find details of all our spending over £500 from the past twelve months in the table below. Documents are available in PDF and XLS format. Information has been excluded from publication where:
  • The information is exempt from publication under the data protection act
  • The information relates to the protection of vulnerable adults or children
  • Read more Council Spending over £500

The prompt payment code relates to all contractors, suppliers and other organisations that provide services or goods to Fylde Borough Council. Fylde Borough Council is committed to the principles of the Government’s Prompt payment Code and intends to ensure that all invoice payments are made within the terms of agreed contracts or where there is no…

Read more Prompt Payment Code