The licensing team is responsible for the licensing function on behalf of the Council. The objective is to maintain & improve standards of public safety in respect of licensed premises, persons and vehicles. This is achieved by a balanced approach of education and enforcement in relation to the appropriate legislation. The team has…

Read more Licensing

Here you can check your rateable value for business rates (NNDR). You input your address which will then provide you with a summary valuation. If you’re the owner or occupier, you can register or sign in and claim this property to:
  •    view the detailed valuation
  •    confirm your property details or tell us that something is incorrect (check)
  •    tell us…

    Read more My Rateable Value

You can find information about our services on our website and apply, request, report and pay for most things quickly and easily through our online forms. Please note: If your enquiry relates to on-street parking, issues with roads or pavements (e.g. potholes or obstructions), schools or concessionary bus travel you need to contact Lancashire County Council.
