Fylde Borough Council is required to carry out a review of UK Parliamentary Polling Districts and Polling Places in its area. The consultation period for the review will commence on 1 October 2023 and end on 31 October 2023. The Boundary Commission for England has published new UK Parliamentary constituencies: https://boundarycommissionforengland.independent.gov.uk/ A change is proposed to…

Read more Review of UK Parliamentary Polling Districts and Polling Places 2023

Local authorities have a legal requirement to conduct an annual ‘canvass’ in order to prepare and publish a revised Register of Electors by 1 December (each year). From July, every household will receive some form of Canvass Communication to find out if the details on the electoral register are correct. Your household may be contacted in…

Read more Annual Canvass

Who is the Data Controller? Tracy Manning, Electoral Registration Officer and Returning Officer (including Acting, Deputy, Local)  
What information do we collect from you? We keep records about potential and actual electors, voters, citizens, candidates and their agents, staff employed at an election or by the ERO and the people we need to…

Read more Electoral Services Privacy Notice

What are the full and edited registers?

The full register lists the name and address of everyone who is registered to vote. It is used for law enforcement and by credit reference agencies, but only to check your name and address if you are applying for credit and other purposes specified in the law. The edited register…

Read more The Electoral Register

You need to be on the electoral register in order to vote at elections and referendums. Being on the electoral register can also improve your credit score. You will need the following
  •   your National Insurance number
  •   your passport if you’re a British citizen living abroad
The process should take around 5 minute to complete. Once…

Read more Register to vote