Current threat level

The current threat from international terrorism can be viewed on the MI5 website.

What you can do to help

The police and the security and intelligence agencies depend on information from the public. Be their eyes and ears and help keep yourself, your family and your local community safe by looking out for any…

Read more Counter Terrorism

Fylde is a safe place to live. However, it is important to recognise that major emergencies can occur at any time. These can be caused in many ways and result in a number of problems for example flooding, or an industrial incident such as a factory fire, even a chemical spill…

Read more Emergency Planning

How should councillors behave?

Councillors are expected to represent their communities while being responsible for setting and monitoring policy for the council as a whole. They need to balance different interests and will often have to make difficult decisions. They may be elected on a political platform, and may take into account the views of their…

Read more Complaining about a Councillor (Make a complaint)

Fylde Otters - Multi-Disability Swimming Club For Adults

Mondays, 7.30pm - 8.30pm St Annes YMCA Pool Otters is for people with disabilities, amputee's, people who have had strokes/head injuries etc to come along. The club is sponsored by Glasdon's  and run by volunteers who would love to see new members support the swimming club. For further details please contact St…

Read more Disability Sports

Saturdays, 9am Lytham Hall, Ballam Rd, Lytham, FY8 4JX A weekly 5km run, starting on the drive beside Lytham Hall. The course is run on a mixture of tarmac paths, gravel paths, woodland trails and grass. This is a free activity but you must register to participate. Click here for more details and to register…

Read more Community Activities