We’re a year into the fight against this virus that has touched every part of life here in Fylde but I am delighted to say that we are now taking huge strides in winning this battle. With increased testing in the community and in workplaces through static and…

Read more The Leader of Fylde Council, Cllr Karen Buckley gives an update on the Covid-19 picture in the borough.

Following the recent successful completion of the sea defence works along the coastline between Church Scar and Fairhaven Lake, Fylde Council have obtained funding from the Environment Agency to develop a feasibility study (Outline Business Case) to investigate various options for improving coastal erosion and flood risk management at Pleasure Island, St Annes. The existing seawall…

Read more Fylde Council propose Sea Defence Improvement Works in St Annes

CHANGE (Creating Healthy Activities and Nutritious Gains to Empower change) programme is a healthy lifestyle programme that has been designed to help people make changes to improve their health. It is specifically for residents of Fylde over the age of 18 years. This programme is to help people manage their weight in a healthy and long-lasting…

Read more CHANGE – A new healthy lifestyle programme

More than 400 key workers have now been tested for Covid-19 as part of Fylde Council’s new SMART testing programme. People that aren’t showing any symptoms of Covid-19 that need to leave home to work as part of an essential service, vital infrastructure or community group can be tested weekly at one of four strategically placed…

Read more Hundreds take part in new SMART Testing programme in Fylde

Leaders at Fylde Council are joining Lancashire's top health experts to urge local residents to get a Covid-19 test if they are concerned about their health – even if they aren't showing the classic symptoms. The three main symptoms of Covid are a high temperature, a persistent cough or a loss of smell or taste. But there…

Read more Fylde Council urges residents to get tested as World Health Organisation confirms new symptoms for Covid-19

Fylde Council is appealing to members of the public using unlawfully operating tanning salons to act responsibly.  A small number of salons are continuing to operate across the borough, particularly attracting customers from younger age groups where the virus is most prevalent, according to recent data.  The council has issued a number of penalties…

Read more Fylde Council appeals for public support over unlawfully operating tanning salons