Fylde Council is appealing to members of the public using unlawfully operating tanning salons to act responsibly.
A small number of salons are continuing to operate across the borough, particularly attracting customers from younger age groups where the virus is most prevalent, according to recent data.
The council has issued a number of penalties to Sunnydays tanning salons in St Annes and Freckleton.
Cllr Tommy Threlfall, Chair of Fylde Council’s Environment Health Housing committee, said: “We are still aware the COVID rate in Fylde is higher than other parts of the country and this is of great concern. People who continue to go against the laws should expect to be fined appropriately. Due to the incredible risk to the others, laws have been put in place to protect you and the NHS. We are asking for the public’s support.
“Visiting a tanning salon is not a reasonable excuse to leave your homes. The ‘close contact’ premises are closed for public health reasons.
“By visiting a tanning salon unlawfully, customers are putting the family they live with, the person they are permitted to exercise with, their support or childcare bubble and their work colleagues at risk.
“If your family or friends are visiting tanning salons, please encourage and educate them not to do so, so we can move on, protect the NHS, save lives and not delay the time when these premises may operate lawfully again.”
Insp Mick Jones of the Fylde and Wyre Neighbourhood Policing Team, said: “We are all in this together and we will support Fylde Borough Council in their activity to crack down on businesses which flout the regulations and continue to do all we can to keep people safe.
“If people see illegal activity taking place we would encourage them to take down details of times, dates, vehicle registrations and descriptions of the individuals involved and report it to police on 101 or online at https://doitonline.lancashire.police.uk.”
It has been widely documented that around one in three people with Covid-19 do not show any symptoms and may be feeling perfectly fit and well.
A recent workplace testing exercise in Fylde using lateral flow tests revealed 21 people tested positive, all of whom were unaware that they were infected.