The proposals for the 2021/22 budget have now been published and can be viewed on our website Feedback from all stakeholders received before 19th February 2021 will be considered at the budget-setting Council meeting of 4th March 2021. Feedback should be submitted by email using or by post to Budget Consultation Feedback, The Town Hall, Lytham St Annes, Lancashire, FY8 1LW.
For 2021/22 the Council is proposing several capital growth items. These seek to enhance the local environment for the residents and visitors and include:
- Additional access control measures at a number of parks
- Ashton Gardens Lighting Improvement Scheme
- Park View Drainage Improvement Scheme
- Fairhaven Boathouse – Remodelling and Refurbishment Scheme
- Play Area Improvements at a number of parks
- Friends of Newton Community Park Development Scheme – £50k Fylde Council contribution
- Staining Drainage Improvement Scheme
- A further Scheme of Tree planting throughout the borough
In addition to the capital growth proposals there are 3 further revenue budget proposals for 2021/22 including:
- Support for the Kirkham Town Council CCTV Scheme Extension
- Support for the Newton-with-Clifton Parish Council CCTV Scheme
- The allocation of government covid support funding to all areas of the borough
All of these will contribute to ensuring Fylde is a vibrant and thriving place to live and visit and residents will be asked to contribute a modest additional sum within their Council Tax to ensure this is achievable.
For 2021/22 there is a proposed overall increase for Council Tax of less than 10p per week for a Band D property which is less than the maximum increase allowed and will help to safeguard services.
The budget consultation can be found on the website following this link.