Fylde Council is receiving an increasing number of complaints regarding the mess and damage being caused by the large population of feral pigeons in certain parts of the Borough.
The Facts
Feral pigeons form large flocks that roost on ledges, cills, sloping roofs and under bridges. They prefer to eat grain and seeds but have adapted to…
The most common flea species that human come into contact with is the cat flea, which despite its name is commonly found on dogs.
What do they look like?
Adult fleas are normally 1-4mm long, brownish in colour, without wings but with powerful legs adapted for jumping. Female fleas can live up to two years, during which…
Size: 1/2 to 1 inch (12.7mm – 25.4mm)
Colour: Brown or silver-grey
Silverfish are not often seen by homeowners, because they are nocturnal and can run quickly. Silverfish will feed on almost anything. A short list includes dried beef, flour, starch, paper, gum, glue, cotton, linen, rayon, silk, sugar, molds and breakfast cereals.
Santitation alone will not eliminate…
Size: 4mm
Colour: Dark brown – black
Garden Ants usually nest n outdoors in lawns, flower beds, beneath paving flags or at the base of walls.
During summer, winged females (Queens) and males leave the nest on one or two warm afternoons and take flight. Sometimes, during this flight – which lasts for two to three hours –…
Approx size: 5mm long with a flat round body.
Colour: reddish brown becoming a purple after feeding.
Bedbugs are active at night and crawl or are passively transported in clothing, luggage, furniture, books or other objects. Infestations of bedbugs usually occur in bedrooms or the lounge. Bedbugs will hide where they have easy access to their host.…
Booklice are harmless in small numbers, but in large numbers they can cause significant damage to delicate materials, such as books and fur.
The signs of an infestation are holes and tunnels, in which the insect hides, plus a covering of white powdery material and salt crystals.
Bats have declined in significant numbers in recent years. With the loss of many trees suitable for bat roosts, certain species have adapted to roosting in buildings, where they can be affected by any structural or renovation work or remedial timber treatment.
Bats and the law
All 15 species of British bats and their roosts are protected…
All the wasps found in the United Kingdom, with the exception of the hornet, are very similar, with black and yellow bands on their body and two pairs of wings.
Where do they live?
In spring, the queen leaves her hibernating quarters to seek nesting sites. These could be holes in the ground,…
The common mouse found in buildings is the house mouse. The fur colour varies between light brown and grey. Body length varies between 60-90mm and the tail can add an additional 100mm. Often, the droppings found are black, rod-shaped and 3-6mm.