Freedom of Information Requests

Fylde Council receives a number of requests of a similar nature for information which relates to Business Rate accounts (non-domestic properties). To address these requests we are now publishing specific information on:

Your organisation

Fylde Borough Council (Central function employees)1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023

Employees in your organisation

50 to 1,500 employees

Trade union representatives and full-time equivalents

Trade union representatives: 1FTE trade union representatives: 0.86

Percentage of working hours spent on facility time

0% of working hours: 0 representatives1 to 50% of working hours: 1…

Read more Trade Union Activity

The Council is committed to paying employees based on the recognised job evaluation schemes detailed in the Pay Policy Statement. It is the application of these schemes that creates the salary differentials. Pay rates for each grade are published on the Councils website with the ratio between the highest possible salary and lowest possible salary detailed…

Read more Salary Ratios

Fylde's Management Team Pay and Positions

There are no bonus payments made to the senior management at Fylde and none of the positions receive any other payment benefits. There are no other employees at Fylde paid a salary in excess of £50,000 per annum.
All employee basic pay is based on pay and grading evaluation schemes with the GLPC scheme for posts up to Chief Officer and the Hay scheme for Chief Officer posts. Both of these schemes have been tested to ensure that they are free from gender bias and the use of these schemes has been agreed…

Read more Pay Scales

Fylde Council is committed to paying all employees appropriately and fairly through the implementation of recognised and approved job evaluation schemes that have been tested to ensure they are free of any bias.  The pay scales for employees at all levels are in the public domain and the Council complies with the requirement…

Read more Pay Policy Statement

The current Chief Executive is Allan Oldfield who came into post in January 2012. The chief executive is the senior officer who leads and directs the work of the approximately 250 permanent and temporary paid staff of the council, who run the local authority on a day to day basis. The role of the chief executive works…

Read more Chief Executive