Application process
Applications are validated
We first need to check that we have everything we need to assess the application. There are some legislative and local requirements that we need to do this and so we check your application against them. These details can be found at the link below:
If there is information missing we will get in touch with you or your agent for that and so if you provide your email address this will help speed up this process.
All valid applications are published on our website, and you can search for a planning application using the link below:
Notification and consultation
When the application is valid, we will undertake publicity and consultation on it. This is prescribed in legislation and differs according to the scheme but usually involves writing to neighbours and sometimes also putting up a ‘site notice’ close to the site. These will always allow 21 days for comments to be made.
We consult the local parish or town council on most applications. We may also consult other organisations (like the Environment Agency, Lancashire County Council Highways or other parts of Fylde Council) when necessary. They also have 21 days to comment and their responses are published on our website.
We assess the application
A ‘Planning Case Officer’ is appointed to deal with your application. You will be given their contact details so if you have any queries you can contact them.
They will visit the site in all cases and will assess your proposed development against local and national planning policies.
Pre-decision amended plans
Sometimes minor amendments to the proposed scheme are received, either because we ask for amended plans in order to make the development more acceptable or because you may have a change of mind or circumstances. These amended plans will be published on our website alongside the original plans.
If we think the amendments are acceptable the original plans will be replaced and the amendments will be detailed in the ‘decision notice’. If the amendments are significant in their scale we will undertake further publicity on the application with neighbours and key consultees.
Officer recommendation
Most decisions will be made by our Planning Case Officers under our scheme of delegation which is set out in the council’s constitution. We will make a recommendation to either grant or refuse the application. The decision will be reviewed by a senior planning officer in all cases to ensure that there are at least two officers involved in every planning decision.
Major and complex applications will be decided by planning committee. This meets roughly every 4 weeks at the Town Hall to consider an agenda that is published the week before. Details of the planning Committee meeting schedule and members are available at the link below:
Time-scale for deciding applications
There are targets for determining applications which are set by government, and the planning officers will strive to meet them. These are to determine householder and minor development applications in 8 weeks, and to determine major applications in 13 weeks.
With the need for publicity and considering comments it is typical that a householder application will take 6-8 weeks to determine from when it is validly received.
Decision is issued
Once the decision is made a ‘decision notice’ is issued to you or your agent. It is also published on our website. Decisions will be sent by email wherever possible and will list the plans upon which the council has based its decision.
Where an application is approved, it will usually be subject to a series of conditions. Sometimes these will control the way that the development is to be undertaken, such as the hours of operation of a commercial premises. In other cases they will require that further details, such as the landscaping of a housing development, are provided before work commences. In the case of these latter conditions a developer will need to make a further application to the council for these details to be considered and discharged.
Where an application is refused the applicant has the right to appeal that decision to the Planning Inspectorate.
They are an independent part of central government that will appoint a Planning Inspector to assess the application afresh and issue a binding appeal decision. There is no third party right of appeal against the council’s decision for neighbours or other parties.
Development is implemented
The council has a planning enforcement team that monitors major developments, and will respond to queries from residents who may be concerned that a particular development is not being undertaken as it should be. They will investigate these cases and are able to impose a series of legal Notices if there are breaches where it is expedient to take action.
Contact details:
There is no direct customer access to the planning team at the Town Hall, but the most effective methods of reaching us are:
Telephone: 01253 658435
Post: Development Management, Fylde Borough Council, Town Hall, St Annes FY8 1LW