Lancashire will be placed into the most stringent restrictions when the national lockdown ends next week, the government has announced.   Lancashire's political leaders had requested a more targeted approach, with areas with lower infection rates going into Tier 2 and those with higher rates into Tier 3.   Instead, the entire Lancashire area will be in the "very…

Read more Top tier of restrictions for Lancashire including Fylde

Fylde councillors will discuss the appointment of a Town Centres Manager and Economic Development Officer as part of a funding boost for the borough’s town centres. Councillors on the Finance and Democracy committee will meet on Monday (November 23) to look at a range of measures to boost the economy – most notably the borough’s town…

Read more Councillors to consider approving further funding to boost Fylde’s Town Centres

At a meeting of the Finance and Democracy Committee to be held on Monday 23rd November, Members will consider proposals to reduce the number of Elected Members in the Fylde Borough from 51 to 37. The proposal forms part of a Local Government Boundary Review which was triggered in Fylde because of electoral inequality resulting from…

Read more Fylde Councillors to discuss proposals to reduce from 51 Elected Members to 37

Fylde Council has had confirmation from a government inspector that it has enough land for housing over the next five years. The Inspector’s Report regarding the Council’s Five-Year Housing Land Supply Annual Position Statement confirms the position for a further year, until October 2021. This follows recent challenges from developers who stated that the Council had a…

Read more Fylde Council’s Housing Supply Confirmed by the Government

Small businesses across the Fylde can now apply for the Additional Restrictions Grant, a discretionary scheme aimed at small local businesses.  Grants will be awarded to businesses that are not eligible for other support, are a priority in the Fylde economy, and have been most adversely impacted by the COVID restrictions and measures.  Full details…

Read more Grants for Small Local Businesses Launched

This year an army of experts awarded a record breaking 2061 Green Flag Awards to the UK’s very best parks and green spaces with Fylde receiving 6 of them. The winners for the Borough were:
  • Fairhaven Lake
  • Promenade Gardens
  • Ashton Gardens
  • Lowther Gardens
  • Lytham War Memorial Garden
  • Elswick Village Hall & Gardens (managed by Elswick Parish Council)

Read more Vote for your favourite Fylde park in the People’s Choice Awards

Applications for the National Lockdown LRSG (Closed) business support grant can now be submitted online for those businesses required to close on November 5th. Full details and a link to the online application form are available on our website here. The scheme is funded by national government and administered by the local authority. if your business…

Read more Calling all business in Fylde required to close on November 5th