What is your lasting memory of the wild Fylde coast? Is it the mountainous sand dunes? Birds flying up ahead? Rare plants colouring the scenery?
Now is a chance for pupils to put their thoughts onto paper and create a lasting impression for millions of visitors every year.
The Fylde Sands Dunes Project is looking for a young designer of the future to create a logo for the amazing work they are doing in Lytham and St Anne’s.
So we are asking local schools to take part in a competition to design the logo which will then be instantly recognisable.
The project, a partnership between Fylde Council, Blackpool Council and the Lancashire Wildlife Trust, is funded by the Environment Agency until 2022.
It is working hard to encourage visitors to the dunes in a way which does not further threaten their existence. The dunes offer a habitat for amazing wildlife including many rare plants, 150 species of butterflies and moths, and breeding birds including stonechats, skylarks and reed buntings.
The work also includes improving the dunes as a sea defence; increasing their width by encouraging natural dune growth on the foreshore. The dunes act as a natural barrier to the sea at high tide, and release sand during storm conditions to reduce wave action.
Creating new dunes and paths through existing networks, encouraging wildlife by conserving habitats and using fencing and recycled Christmas trees to trap windblown sands are all parts of the project.
Wildlife Trust project officer Amy Pennington said: “Children living on the Fylde have been playing on the dunes all their lives. It is part of their DNA so they will have some brilliant ideas for what the image for the dunes should be.
“Now we want them to draw what they are thinking and join our competition. They could create a logo that staff and volunteers will rally under and which those millions of visitors to the area will see for many years to come.”
Winners will also receive prizes!
Entries should be sent to Amy at apennington@lancswt.org.uk or you can contact Amy and she will pick up bundles from schools. There is a deadline of Friday November 30 for entries, so get drawing! A winner will be chosen in early December.