The Councils Economic Development Team have a wealth of private sector and business ownership experience, a plethora of contacts with all manner of industry-specific support Partners, and access to information concerning funding, skills and training, start-up and growth advice, and property search assistance and much more.
Start-ups, existing businesses, charities, and community groups who would like to chat to someone regarding their business and employment challenges are invited to email and the Economic Development team will organise a call with you or signpost you directly to an industry sector specialist.
Information which may be of immediate interest:
- Fylde Council’s UK Shared Prosperity Fund Plan (PDF)
- Kirkham Shop Front Improvement Scheme
- Fylde Borough Council Property Search
- Fylde Local Plan 2032 (PDF)
- Food Safety and Starting a Food Business
- Shop Front Design Guide (PDF)
- Supplementary Planning Advice
Some of the support currently on offer as at June 2023
- Funding – Fylde Council itself does not have grants for start-ups or growth projects for individual businesses. If we do we will notify those on our newsletter list first. However we work with delivery support partners to help find suitable sources of funding for businesses at whatever stage they are at. We also work with the four Fylde business groups in providing and organising suitable training and peer led projects to aid your business indirectly
- Digital Boost offer 1:1 as well as online workshops for all businesses in digital skills training. From setting up a Facebook account to using video to promote your business. You can sign up for this excellent free support here
- The Government is offering eligible businesses grants for EV Charging points, businesses registered at a home address may also be eligible, check out the Government offers here
- Fylde Council is working with the Chamber Low Carbon Scheme, through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, to help businesses reduce their utility bills, waste, find product/packaging alternatives and provide holistic business audits, to not only save money but reduce their environmental impact. This is for ALL businesses, and particularly those working towards an accreditation required for supply chain procurement. Click here to make contact
- Access to Finance is offering all Fylde businesses 1:1 support as well as business finance training and refresher training. If your business needs to review its current financial processes, or you have an idea for the next best thing, talk to the team by clicking here for further information
- The North West Aerospace Alliance and Fylde Council, through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, are searching for Space, Aerospace, Automotive, Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering companies, and inventors in these sectors to work with and support their growth and vision. You can make contact here to have a chat about what they can do for you.
- Our local Universities and Colleges not only offer a plethora of education and business courses but also have business support teams. Whether you are wanting to network with fellow businesses, seek support for an invention or a new service, recruit graduates, provide placement opportunities for students or have some research undertaken it might well be worth having a conversation.
For any other business support, at whatever stage of development you are at, please contact the Economic Development Team via