Fylde Council has updated its Local Plan to take account of revised government guidance and to assist neighbouring authorities in delivering unmet committments.
The updated Fylde Local Plan 2032 (incorporating Partial Review) was adopted by Fylde Council on 6th December 2021. This document revises 9 policies of the previous Local Plan which was adopted in October 2018 to ensure it is up to date with the latest National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF21). Much of the Local Plan, including the site allocations policies, remains unchanged.
The most significant changes are a result of a reduction in the assessment of housing need, with the updated plan reducing the number of houses required to be built in the Borough to 305 homes per year instead of the previous 415.
The new housing requirement will be used as the basis for the calculation of the Council’s housing supply, placing the Council in a much stronger position to resist unplanned development, and ensuring that only those sites identified in the Plan receive planning permission. This means that the Council’s sustainable development strategy will continue to be delivered.
Councillor Trevor Fiddler, Chairman of the Planning Committee, said: “The Council has produced the Partial Review to update the Local Plan to accord with latest government policy and to address a housing shortfall in the neighbouring Borough of Wyre. The Partial Review ensures that the Local Plan will continue to deliver a sustainable pattern of development for the plan period and that development of the Borough continues to follow the plan-led system. The Local Plan directly or indirectly affects all residents, communities and businesses within the Borough and ensures that all who live or work in Fylde, along with those who visit, can look forward to the achievement of the Council’s Vision for Fylde in 2032
All relevant documents can be found on the Fylde Council website: Adopted Fylde Local Plan to 2032 (incorporating Partial Review)
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