Fylde Council is reminding residents that the current round of the Household Support Fund is open for applications until 30 September 2024.

Thanks to a fully funded revenue budget increase approved by the Council’s Executive Committee in April, the council and its partners continue to offer vital support to vulnerable and low-income households struggling with the cost of living.

Fylde Council Leader, Cllr Karen Buckley, said: “We are incredibly proud of the work we’ve done with our partners to deliver real, tangible support to those most in need. By working closely with organisations like Citizens Advice Fylde, HomeStart, and local foodbanks, we’ve been able to maximise the impact of this funding and ensure it reaches those who need it most.”

The Household Support Fund will provide support for energy bills, essential items through Citizens Advice, food vouchers and parcels via local foodbanks, white goods through Homestart, and a range of support schemes offered by Fylde Council’s Housing Service.

To apply for the Household Support Fund or to find out more about eligibility, please visit the Household Support Funding page on the Fylde Council website.

Councillor Buckley continued: “We have a strong track record of working with partners to address the challenges faced by our most vulnerable residents. This funding is a lifeline for many people, and I urge anyone who thinks they might be eligible to apply before the deadline.”


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