Fylde Borough Council has a responsibility to ensure that drivers, proprietors and operators of hackney carriage and private hire vehicles are fit and proper persons to hold such licenses.
Accordingly, taxis, their drivers and operators are licensed annually by the council. Vehicles are subject to mechanical tests and drivers undergo periodic CRB and medical checks.
The council only sets the maximum fares for hackney carriages’ but private hire cars usually charge the same. A fare card giving details of the charges will be displayed inside each vehicle and a taximeter will automatically calculate the fare. Passengers should refer to the fare chart to see if the correct fare is being charged.
Drivers of Taxis and Private Hire Vehicles
Drivers licences are only issued by the Council after the driver has been checked to ensure that he or she:
- Has a valid driving licence
- Is a fit and proper person
- Understands the relevant law
All licensed drivers must wear an identification badge, which includes a photograph of the bearer.