Visitors’ first impressions approaching Lytham Hall are set to see a dramatic improvement by way of resurfacing works of the main driveway. On Monday 22 June, the Finance and Democracy committee approved a request for financial assistance from Lytham Hall, which will see a £51,500 funding addition to the Capital Programme to improve the driveway from…

Read more Lytham Hall Driveway Set for Dramatic Improvement

Lytham, St Annes and Kirkham will receive grants from Fylde Council to help businesses in the Covid-19 recovery period.  Councillors voted to give £5,000 to each of the town’s business groups - Lytham Business Partnership, Kirkham Business Group and St Annes Enterprise Partnership. The three centres will receive the funding in response to the significant challenges…

Read more Fylde Council approves COVID 19 Local Authority Grants to Town Centres

At Fylde Council we are aware how important it is for our residents to live and work in a community which is clean and free from litter and dog fouling. However, despite our efforts to maintain high cleanliness standards individuals continue to drop litter, fail to clean up after their dog or participate in other…

Read more Fylde Council introduces new enforcement resources for environmental crimes

Lancashire council leaders have agreed in principle to explore a combined authority for Lancashire.  At a meeting of all Lancashire council leaders on Wednesday a unanimous decision was taken for the councils to work together more closely to improve the economy of Lancashire addressing issues such as transport and inward investment.  At a meeting of Lancashire…

Read more Lancashire Council Leaders agree to explore new Combined Authority

Acting Council Leader, Councillor Karen Buckley, welcomed retailers back to the High Street this week as many shops re-opened in accordance with the latest easing of the lockdown. Fylde Council have had almost 300 enquiries to the Environmental Health team on COVID-related issues alone.  The team are extremely busy visiting our retail premises and providing guidance…

Read more Welcome back to the High Street

The Council has been working collaboratively with Funeral Directors and we have put in place the maximum arrangements allowed based on HM Government regulations. Our Bereavement Services team has been working relentlessly including long weekends ensuring a sympathetic, professional and caring approach will continue to be followed at all times, especially during this distressing period…

Read more Lytham Park Cemetary and Crematorium Update

The Council is looking to facilitate the safe opening of our businesses as lockdown eases with proposals for wider walkways to facilitate social distancing and pop-up cycle lanes to allow you to travel into our town centres safely. Ideas have been coming in thick and fast from our residents and business communities and we are liaising…

Read more Fylde Council looks at the next steps to aid in the safe opening of our businesses

The Fylde borough has seen an influx of visitors to its parks, beaches and open spaces due to the recent relaxation in the lock down measures, as well as the exceptionally good weather the UK is currently experiencing. Many of these visitors are bringing BBQs, however the Council would like to remind everyone that a Public…

Read more Fylde Council reminds beach and parks visitors BBQs are banned and fines will be issued

As businesses across the borough get ready to re-open Fylde Council is working closely with them to ensure there is a complete understanding of the requirements that must be in place. It is imperative that social distancing remains to ensure transmission of infection is minimised and we can work towards the government’s next phase. A responsibility…

Read more Fylde Council supports businesses set to re-open