Fylde Council are delighted to confirm that the application for the Sport England Swimming Pool Support Fund (SPSF) Phase 2 has been successful for St Annes YMCA Pool.   The funding allocation of £220,000 will allow for the implementation of photovoltaic (PV) panels and the replacement of aging gas boilers with newer more efficient…

Read more Swimming Pool Support Fund Phase 2 Application Successful!

The proposal has been approved to convert Ballam Road car park in Lytham from a privately operated facility to a public pay-and-display car park.   Fylde Council’s Executive Committee resolved to support the recommendations put forward to address the need for public car parking in or near Lytham town centre, as well as facilitate…

Read more Ballam Road Car Park in Lytham to Become Public Pay-And-Display

A new consultation is asking for the opinions of Ansdell and Lytham residents on the creation of parish councils to provide the opportunity for further democratic accountability and decision-making power. Ansdell and Lytham are the only areas in Fylde that don't have a parish council. We want to know what you think about some options for…

Read more Consultation on Parish Councils for Ansdell and Lytham

New businesses in Fylde can sign up to a free Digital Marketing Masterclass taking place on Wednesday 20 March 2024.  As part of the Boost Flying Start programme, this expert-led event in Fylde for pre-start and start-ups will help give your new business a competitive advantage in navigating the world of digital marketing. Read more New Business? Sign Up For A Digital Marketing Masterclass With Boost Flying Start!

Subscriptions for Fylde Council’s 2024/25 Garden Waste Collection Service are now open. Residents can subscribe or renew online by visiting www.fylde.gov.uk/greenwaste The green waste collection service offers residents a convenient way to recycle their garden waste at home. Collecting garden waste separately in the green wheeled bins is a natural method of processing the material,…

Read more Fylde Garden Waste Subscriptions Now Open For 2024/25

Over 2,200 trees have been procured through Fylde Council’s tree planting programme this financial year to expand tree canopy coverage across the borough, as community tree planting events continue to give Fylde residents the chance to pitch in and help spruce up their local spaces.  The Capital Programme 2023/24 approved in…

Read more Fylde’s Tree Planting Programme Gets Going With Public Planting Events

Fylde Council is exploring options to bring children’s homes under tighter controls. The report of the in-depth Scrutiny Review of the Use of Residential Premises as Children’s Homes is now available, and Fylde Council’s Executive Committee have resolved to agree to the recommendations it puts forward. As planning permission is not always required to change the…

Read more Residential Property Childrens Homes Update

Following a successful tender process and the approval of Fylde Council’s Executive Committee, Rosslee Construction have been appointed to refurbish the former TSB and Charity Girls School in Kirkham, as part of the Kirkham Futures regeneration programme. The refurbishment work aims to preserve the character of the building while remodelling the interior into a bar and…

Read more Former TSB Building Contractor Appointed / Capital Drawdown

Fylde Council’s Executive Committee has approved the funding of the Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) Programme for 2024/25. The revenue budget increase of £153,708, fully funded from the government’s HAF grant, will allow Fylde Council to continue delivering the school holiday programme of physical and enrichment activities, plus a healthy meal, for children in receipt of…

Read more Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) Programme Budget Approved For 2024/25