During the last six months, Fylde Council have been working on options for replacing the existing sea wall around Pleasure Island, St Annes.

The existing sea wall protects 360 residential and 73 non-residential properties.  It is nearly 90 years old, and is approaching the end of its design life, with frequent repairs required.  Its low comparative height means that overtopping and flooding frequently occur, which is set to increase in line with current climate change predictions.

The options, together with the preferred option, are intended be submitted to the Environment Agency in the form of a feasibility report, for approval in Summer 2021.  Work could then commence on site in late 2022, or early 2023.

Fylde Council are very keen to involve everyone in the project, and the selection of the preferred option.

To date, two stakeholder presentations have taken place involving the businesses directly affected by the works, one on 25th February 2021, and the most recent on Thursday 13th May 2021. The information presented at both sessions can be found on the dedicated webpage for the project, www.discoverfylde.co.uk/stannesseawall

Feedback from all parties is extremely valuable in shaping the future of the project. The Council is keen to work with and support all businesses that will be affected by the scheme, ensuring the most effective and positive outcome for all parties involved.

On Friday 14th May 2021, the Council asked for feedback via social media regarding the current preferred option, which was presented at the meeting on Thursday 13th May and received thousands of responses to this in only a couple of days.

The next stage of the proposals is to gain further feedback via a structured survey, details of which will be published later this week.

Councillor Roger Small, Deputy Leader and Chair of the Operational Management Committee said: “We are very happy to see this project proceed as it is designed to give flooding protection for the next 100 years as well as providing an enhanced tourist experience. We are well aware of the potential impact on some nearby businesses and we are listening to concerns and will try to address them to the best of our abilities with the final designs. There will be disruptions due to the huge scale of the works, the machinery involved and the need for health and safety during construction, but the team will aim to minimise these.

We are also keenly aware of ours being a traditional high-quality family resort with time honoured attractions. We shall endeavour to preserve what’s best whilst at the same time looking for opportunities that enhance the area.”


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