A team of contractors has been appointed to deliver the first phase of the Shopfront Grant Improvement Scheme on Kirkham Highstreet.
Bambers Building Contractors Ltd who are based in Blackpool have been awarded the work following a tender process, and work is scheduled to begin from January 2023 for the individual shopfront improvements at 1-3 Preston Street, 2A Church Street, 4-6 Freckleton Street and 10 Station Road.
The improvements are part of the Kirkham Futures Programme, funded by Historic England, together with Fylde Council and Kirkham Town Council, and the Future High Streets Fund which is funded by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC).
The project is designed to restore and enhance the shop frontages in Kirkham Town Centre by re-instating their historic, pre-WW1 style.
The scheme design teams have worked with shop owners and tenants to produce individual designs for each shop based on images contained in historic archive photos. Once a scheme was developed and a grant agreement in place, the design team then undertook a competitive tendering exercise and recommended a preferred contractor, Bambers Building Contractors Ltd, to undertake the works.
Councillor Liz Oades, Chair of the Kirkham Futures Steering Group, said: “I am delighted that the contract for the shop front improvements scheme has been awarded and work can begin to get underway. I’m looking forward to seeing Bambers Building Contractors Ltd rejuvenating these shop fronts to help the aesthetic of the town centre which will help increase economic growth within the town.”
It is anticipated that completion of these first properties will be in March 2023, however, the scheme is ongoing and further properties may begin works on-site during this timescale.
Ultimately the completion of the whole shopfront project is March 2024.
To keep up to date with the progress of the project follow our social media pages @KirkhamFutures.
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