For the financial year 2019/2020 onward, any local authority that has received developer contributions (section 106 planning obligations) must publish online an Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) by 31 December each year.

These reports provide a summary of financial contributions the Council has secured through section 106 (s106) agreements from new developments for off-site infrastructure works and affordable housing.

In summary, the reports provide:

  • an overview of what s106 agreements are
  • the Council’s internal process relating to s106 contributions
  • the s106 contributions paid to the Council in the current year
  • s106 contributions committed for future years
  • projects delivered in the Borough via s106 and s278 agreements in the current year

The information included in the report will be updated annually and published on the Council’s website. This will ensure the most up to date information on s106 contributions received and how these monies have been spent is readily available to interested parties.

Infrastructure Funding Statement 2019/20

Infrastructure Funding Statement 2020/21

Infrastructure Funding Statement 2021/22

Infrastructure Funding Statement 2022/23

Infrastructure Funding Statement 2023/24