Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG)
Biodiversity Net Gain is a requirement for most types of development. All relevant planning permissions are granted subject to an automatic (deemed) condition that the biodiversity gain objective of 10% gain is met.
Fylde Council has produced guidance for to assist those making applications for planning permission on what is required, and how the requirements may be met. The guidance can be downloaded here:
Fylde Council Biodiversity Net Gain: Guidance for Applicants (coming shortly)
Further information for both developers and land managers is available from the Government’s website.
As the requirement for Biodiversity Net Gain is new, the Council will provide updates on emerging practice to inform applicants here:
Biodiversity Net Gain: Practice Updates
Information to follow shortly.
Biodiversity Duty: First Consideration of Actions.
The Council as the local planning authority has published its first report into how we are meeting the objective of conserving and enhancing biodiversity. The report can be accessed here.
Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS)
Local Nature Recovery Strategies are being prepared to cover the whole of England. For Fylde, the LNRS is being produced by Lancashire County Council as the responsible authority, with Fylde Council assisting as a supporting authority. The purpose of the LNRS is to agree priorities for nature recovery, identify the most valuable existing areas for nature on maps, and to identify specific proposals on maps for creating or improving habitat for nature.
Up to date details on the development of the LNRS can be found here.
Biodiversity Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
The Biodiversity SPD was adopted in September 2019. Although it does not incorporate information regarding Biodiversity Net Gain as is now required, it provides advice on other issues regarding biodiversity which applicants will need to be aware of, including sites important for their wildlife habitats, and how applicants should have regard to the potential for effects on protected species.
The Biodiversity SPD can be viewed here.