Residents may be aware of this proposal which relates to an Offshore Windfarm which is proposed for a location around 30km off the Fylde coast in the Irish Sea.  It is proposed that power generated is to be connected to the National Grid via a cable which would land at a site near Blackpool Airport before traveling underground across the borough towards Newton before crossing the river Ribble to a sub-station at Penwortham.  There would be two sub-stations between Freckleton/Kirkham/Newton as part of this project.

Due to the scale of the project the decision on this is not a matter for Fylde Council but will instead be decided by the Secretary of State as it is a Nationally Significant Infrastructre Project.  The Secretary of State’s decision will follow an examination of the project led by the Planning Inspectorate. With the project being of such a potential importance to the borough this page is designed to give residents access to information about the project.

The scheme is split into three separate elements, with the developer’s webpages available here:

In addition the applicants have published a joint ‘information hub’ to provide details about the project:

Information about the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project process is available here:

The Planning Inspectorate have established a webpage for each project which will be updated with their progress on the assessment of the applications.  Residents are able to register for updates on these projects via the links below.

Fylde Council is a consultee on this matter and has set up a file on its planning register to host the documents that it formally submits as part of the process, with the links to those below.