Change of Use Applications
This order sets out the various classes of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987. It is not intended that all uses of buildings or land shall fall within one of the uses classes there will be many uses which are known as ‘sui generis’ uses.
The general tests with regard to material change of use will apply when considering whether express planning permission is required for a change of use from one such use to another use. Planning permission will be required for a use from a sui generis use to any other use as a material change of use will be involved.
Express planning permission is normally required for a change from one use class to another use class although there are a number of exceptions (i.e. permitted changes).
The purpose of the Use Class Order is to group various uses within classes so that any c/u within the class does not require planning permission.
The following are a number of examples.
Class A1 shops
- retail sale of goods (not hot food)
- post office
- hairdressers
- sale of sandwiches or other cold food for consumption off premises
Class A2 financial and professional services
- financial services
- estate agents
- bank/building societies
- betting office
Class A3 Restaurants & Cafes
- Sale of food and drink on premises
Class A4 Drinking Establishments
- Public houses, wines bars or other drinking establishments
Class A5 Hot Food Takeaways
- Sales of hot food consumption off the premises
Class B1 Business
- office
- retail & distribution
- any industrial process which can be carried out in any residential area without detriment by way of noise, smell, fumes, vibration