As the restrictions introduced to prevent the spread of Covid 19 are gradually relaxed, the Government has outlined a roadmap to recovery that seeks to aid the economic revival of the country.
We are now seeing more businesses reopening within our town centres and it is critical that the general population is able to adhere to social distancing guidelines if they are to have the confidence and reassurance they need to safely return to our town centres in a manner that reduces the risk of further spreading the virus.
Whilst many of the premises have large forecourts that will help maintain social distancing, restrictions on the number of customers allowed to enter a business at any time will mean that many of these areas will be needed for queuing or as additional external seating areas.
Chairman of the councillor Town Centre Working Group, Cllr Richard Redcliffe comments: “It is important that visitors to our town centres are provided with the space they need to respect social distancing guidance if they are to have the confidence that they can visit our high streets safely. Fylde Council’s Town Centre Working Group has identified several pinch points where it will be more difficult for people to maintain social distancing where the temporary widening of the footway will help. Whilst our high streets may seem quieter than normal at present, we need to prepare for the future as more and more people return to our high streets.”
Accordingly, the council will be reallocating a short stretch of the carriageway to provide a wider footway on the south side of Clifton Street. It is proposed that the area will be created in a manner that will allow deliveries to be made to the businesses along this part of Clifton Street in accordance with loading restrictions. In order to ensure that 2 way traffic flow can be maintained, parking will be suspended along the north side of Clifton Street between the pedestrian (zebra) crossing and Bath Street.
St Anne’s is fortunate to have much wider footways and forecourts, but the footway is narrow crossing the railway bridge on The Crescent, an important pedestrian route that links to the shops St David’s Road and St Albans Road.
Meanwhile Kirkham is reminding passersby that they are OPEN for business. Businesses have put in place measures to ensure their customers can maintain social distancing and shop in a more relaxed and safe environment.
It is intended that these measures will be put in place today, prior to the reopening of further businesses on 4 July 2020 and that they will remain in place for an initial period of 6 months. Their operation will be kept under constant review and amended or extended as required.
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