Lytham Festival will benefit from larger grounds and more car parking next year, while the organisers plan to trial a park and ride service to help reduce traffic pressure.

On Tuesday 5 December 2023 evening, the Executive Committee considered a request from Lytham Festival organisers to increase the footprint of its operational and car parking areas to relieve pressure on the town centre car parks and streets.

The request also included a new agreement to grant additional car parking at land adjacent to Fairhaven Road car park for a one-year trial, to determine if park and ride facilities would further help tackle congestion in Lytham town centre and ease people’s exit from the site after the performances.

In making the decision to allow the increased footprint, Councillor Karen Buckley, Fylde Council Leader commented: “The most common concerns raised about Lytham Festival from residents are in relation to traffic because of the volume of visitors driving to the event.  Whilst extra buses and trains are scheduled during the 5-day event, these will only go so far in persuading people to leave their cars at home.

“Further measures have been identified to provide more parking and to pilot a park and ride from St Annes by making land available next to the Fairhaven Road car park which was recently used as overflow parking during the Kite Festival.”

For more information about Lytham Festival, visit their website:


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